tipper issue---help please

Discussion in 'Waste Removal and Garbage Truck Driver Forum' started by richny, May 31, 2022.

  1. richny

    richny Bobtail Member

    Jul 4, 2020
    Hello all,
    Have a 10 yd Heil sat retriever and a new packer cylinder was installed and the ejecting cylinder rebuilt. Also had the shop install a diverter valve (heil thinline) as the place I bought the truck from never put one on when they installed the tipper.
    All was going good until a few days ago the tipper started moving very slowly, even with the fast idle on, and shakes/jerks very badly when lowering. Does this every time. Used to lift up pretty quick and the same down. this all started all of a sudden. all other hydralics work just fine. Checked the fluid, seemed fine, maybe slightly low, but put 5 gallons in anyway. Had a slight leak and lost maybe 2 gallons over a couple weeks before found the issue and fixed.
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  3. kranky1

    kranky1 Road Train Member

    Sep 16, 2015
    Ontario, Canada
    Sounds like air in an extension mast. Or you have a problem with the spool or a valve in that circuit. If it isn’t air it has to pass oil somewhere in the circuit to jerk like that. Spool, blowing over a relief or a moving or mis positioned valve in the circuit somewhere.
  4. kranky1

    kranky1 Road Train Member

    Sep 16, 2015
    Ontario, Canada
    If it’s just the cart tipper it could be a nightmare. Is it a rotary cylinder on the tipper or pistons? Rotary cylinders will make you cry, but even with pistons tippers can be a nightmare. You may have to play with the reliefs to get it working right. I’ve seen problems with both types since municipalities around here started timing tipper cycle times for whatever reason. Most of the problems I saw started with adjustments that were made to change the cycle speed.
  5. Woodyallwood

    Woodyallwood Bobtail Member

    Aug 28, 2022
    Most tippers have a Allen head screw on the bottom where you can adjust the speed. If the diverted block is old you might wanna look into that
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