TMC Transportation, Inc. - Des Moines, Ia.

Discussion in 'Report A BAD Trucking Company Here' started by TurboTrucker, Apr 23, 2006.

  1. jorlee

    jorlee Light Load Member

    Feb 17, 2007
    I can't stand to read this bickering anymore. This is the only site I've found that put down TMC. On another forum there is like 7 drivers (i think), they don't have anything bad to say about TMC. Between the two sites here you have a 3rd party (people who don't work for TMC) taking 3rd party (my opinion) information ISS-D score, and using against the company. How old is this ISS-D score anyway?

    If TMC is so bad why is there only 2-3 people on this site, out of 2800 drivers, that actually worked for TMC complaining. Yet those posts are well old. Why hasn't anybody else besides those few come forward?

    I'm not for or against TMC, but find it hard to see one place says there's absolutley nothing wrong with TMC and this one saying stay away, by people who are looking at a number, which I can't find the same page your looking at. Only stuff I find is the safestat numbers.

    If you want to know the other site. I'll be glad to tell anyone. It's TMC thread is 118 pages as of today.
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  3. Anomeley

    Anomeley Bobtail Member

    Feb 1, 2007
    Why would we deny what is public knowledge? Culpability on our part must mean we are not hard enough on the drivers right? That would go over well wouldn't it?
  4. Anomeley

    Anomeley Bobtail Member

    Feb 1, 2007
    Thx for your remarks, they are appreciated. The ISS-D score is available on the SafeStat site by clicking on an available link. It is the Inspection Selection System and it tells enforcement to inspect, pass or to use their discretion in making the decision to inspect or not. It is high, too high but we are working to bring those numbers down and what is getting lost in the translation is this. WE ARE A TRAINING COMPANY. Most carriers insist on a year minimum of OTR experience before they will even look at you and here we are the BAD GUYS because we give new drivers an opportunity while at the same time we take a big hit because it's the new drivers causing the most problems. Where is the justice in that? And before you compare other training companies TT please make sure they are flatbed carriers and not dry van or reefer. There is a difference.
  5. dstockwell

    dstockwell Light Load Member

    Oct 11, 2006
    That is most likely Flatbed Fred, and golds plating, he sounds like a recruiter. Who else would go through the trouble to maitain a personal website about TMC. I once considered TMC, when their numbers were lower. What else is a person to use for data on a company unless they use ISS-D.
  6. TurboTrucker

    TurboTrucker Road Train Member

    Feb 23, 2005
    Rossville, Georgia
    I don't know. He's taken me on previously in this thread.

    There appears now to be at least five people who work in the offices, that have now posted in this thread. What's behind that, I don't know. I'm not in any way judging them individually. They might be among the best that TMC has in those offices. They may like the company as much as they say they do.

    But some of them are not being forthright in their defense. I've offered the proof.

    I'm not here to tear down TMC, but facts are facts, and people deserve to understand them, and to use them as the see fit when making career choices.

    TMC was busted. They are under the gun to get their numbers under control. They will probably do it. But, will that fix everything? No.

    I've had a lotta practice, but I'm not as good as some others. What I am, is committed to helping people avoid some of the pitfalls out here, some of which I fell into myself.

    Hey...anything under 50 is decent, in my opinion. Wiseway's is so good because they simply do not play when it comes to safety. Even before we got the EOBR's, there was no playing around. We get fired for any serious traffic ticket convictions too. That's the agreement they have with the insurance company.
  7. wallbanger

    wallbanger "Enemy of showers everywhere"

    No, it sure wouldn't. But it might kick those repeat offendors in the arse hard enough to get them to change their bad habits, or get them out of trucking before they kill/injure someone.
    Anomely, I owe you an apology. I am very happy to see that you (and others like you) care about your drivers and want to see them improve.
    Good luck.
    From my experience, some management types will push and push drivers as hard as they can, and when something goes horribly wrong, will wash their hands of the situation and leave the driver high and dry. And that, as you will surely agree, is something that should not happen. Similarly, if the company looks the other way when a driver is rampantly breaking the rules, then that cannot be allowed to continue either.
  8. TurboTrucker

    TurboTrucker Road Train Member

    Feb 23, 2005
    Rossville, Georgia
    Well, what can I say? Maybe they filter out the negative comments. I've sure seen that done on other sites, in cases where the moderator works for a certain company. There's one out there where you will not offer a bad word on JB Hunt. He cuts them all.

    It's updated monthly. The information that is used to calculate the ISS-D score is required by the FMCSA to be supplied by TMC themselves, in their MCS-150 filings. It's much like the way that the IRS views a tax return. They know most of the facts, but they do comparisons to what the company offers for verification and accuracy. That does not make it "third party" information.

    Well...I use a walking cane to snag them in here, and I will put a gun to their head to make them post bad things about companies, but I broke my cane trying to reel in a 400 pound driver a few months back, and haven't been able to afford another one. My gun jammed when I was shooting a squirrel three weeks ago for a midnight snack, and so it isn't much use as a means to scare people into writing bad stuff anymore.

    Seriously, not everyone that may be out there with good or bad things to say has access to a computer, has found this particular site, or is interested in offering their story.

    You've got to get to the safestat pages, click on the "safety" button, and navigate through the "Detailed Data" to find all the nitty gritty stuff.

    There's no need to post it publicly. Google will find it if they want to see it.
  9. TurboTrucker

    TurboTrucker Road Train Member

    Feb 23, 2005
    Rossville, Georgia
    That's a nice way to spin things. The reality of the situation, and this is a broad statement and applies to all "training companies", is that they are not in that circumstance voluntarily...or er..maybe they are but for a different reason.

    Trends are what makes things like this occur. One company decided at some point to attempt to fill empty trucks with newbies, because they were not getting applications in like they wanted. It worked for them, and others adopted the same strategy. The current trend for companies to offer lease/purchase agreements, used to bilk drivers out of more of their pay is another example of a trend that may or may not be such a good thing.

    All of the training companies out there suffer tremendous turnover rates. They all do not draw enough interest from the experienced pool of drivers to keep up with turnover. Most of them offer sub-standard compensation, and/or sub-standard working conditions. By this, that may mean that they require a driver to stay out on the road longer than the driver would care to. It could mean they treat drivers like crap. It could be the freight and/or the customers that the company serves turns drivers off to them. It could be a lot of things.

    All but two of the "training carriers" suffer horrible safety stats. If they offered the things that would draw the attention of experienced drivers, they would be attempting to shore up empty trucks with newbies, not that newbies don't deserve a shot, because everyone has to start somewhere. It's a matter of finding the right place to start.

    Then they are not being trained correctly. That again would be a fault of the company. They control all the factors that lead up to that inexperienced driver being put behind the wheel before he or she is ready to do it properly.

    I already made a valid comparison, and to another flatbed company as well.


    They hire them right out of school just like TMC does, and their collective ISS-D for all three divisions averages at 30. Their worst score for any one division is 36. Maverick has waiting lists for newbies too. Who ever heard of that?
  10. Cheryl

    Cheryl Medium Load Member

    Feb 13, 2007
    NW PA
    If TMC is training the new drivers, and the new drivers are causing the most problems, it doesn't speak much for the training.
  11. Brickman

    Brickman Trucker Forum STAFF Staff Member

    Sep 17, 2006

    One thing that bothers me is that Anom is far too willing to put ALL the blame on the drivers. As the company (TMC) with the authority guess who the DOT will blame at the end of the day?
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