I can't stand to read this bickering anymore. This is the only site I've found that put down TMC. On another forum there is like 7 drivers (i think), they don't have anything bad to say about TMC. Between the two sites here you have a 3rd party (people who don't work for TMC) taking 3rd party (my opinion) information ISS-D score, and using against the company. How old is this ISS-D score anyway?
If TMC is so bad why is there only 2-3 people on this site, out of 2800 drivers, that actually worked for TMC complaining. Yet those posts are well old. Why hasn't anybody else besides those few come forward?
I'm not for or against TMC, but find it hard to see one place says there's absolutley nothing wrong with TMC and this one saying stay away, by people who are looking at a number, which I can't find the same page your looking at. Only stuff I find is the safestat numbers.
If you want to know the other site. I'll be glad to tell anyone. It's TMC thread is 118 pages as of today.
TMC Transportation, Inc. - Des Moines, Ia.
Discussion in 'Report A BAD Trucking Company Here' started by TurboTrucker, Apr 23, 2006.
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There appears now to be at least five people who work in the offices, that have now posted in this thread. What's behind that, I don't know. I'm not in any way judging them individually. They might be among the best that TMC has in those offices. They may like the company as much as they say they do.
But some of them are not being forthright in their defense. I've offered the proof.
I'm not here to tear down TMC, but facts are facts, and people deserve to understand them, and to use them as the see fit when making career choices.
TMC was busted. They are under the gun to get their numbers under control. They will probably do it. But, will that fix everything? No.
Anomely, I owe you an apology. I am very happy to see that you (and others like you) care about your drivers and want to see them improve.
Good luck.
From my experience, some management types will push and push drivers as hard as they can, and when something goes horribly wrong, will wash their hands of the situation and leave the driver high and dry. And that, as you will surely agree, is something that should not happen. Similarly, if the company looks the other way when a driver is rampantly breaking the rules, then that cannot be allowed to continue either. -
Seriously, not everyone that may be out there with good or bad things to say has access to a computer, has found this particular site, or is interested in offering their story.
Trends are what makes things like this occur. One company decided at some point to attempt to fill empty trucks with newbies, because they were not getting applications in like they wanted. It worked for them, and others adopted the same strategy. The current trend for companies to offer lease/purchase agreements, used to bilk drivers out of more of their pay is another example of a trend that may or may not be such a good thing.
All of the training companies out there suffer tremendous turnover rates. They all do not draw enough interest from the experienced pool of drivers to keep up with turnover. Most of them offer sub-standard compensation, and/or sub-standard working conditions. By this, that may mean that they require a driver to stay out on the road longer than the driver would care to. It could mean they treat drivers like crap. It could be the freight and/or the customers that the company serves turns drivers off to them. It could be a lot of things.
All but two of the "training carriers" suffer horrible safety stats. If they offered the things that would draw the attention of experienced drivers, they would be attempting to shore up empty trucks with newbies, not that newbies don't deserve a shot, because everyone has to start somewhere. It's a matter of finding the right place to start.
They hire them right out of school just like TMC does, and their collective ISS-D for all three divisions averages at 30. Their worst score for any one division is 36. Maverick has waiting lists for newbies too. Who ever heard of that? -
One thing that bothers me is that Anom is far too willing to put ALL the blame on the drivers. As the company (TMC) with the authority guess who the DOT will blame at the end of the day?
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