TNI Tri National inc

Discussion in 'Report A BAD Trucking Company Here' started by Jarheadtom, Mar 29, 2012.

  1. Jarheadtom

    Jarheadtom Bobtail Member

    Mar 29, 2012
    little rock, ar
    Drivers beware. TNI is a vulture company. They will steal you blind. They run you then deduct $ from your pay for many reasons. When you complain, they fire you for Safety violations. To screw your career up.
    Emey51 and j and j trucking Thank this.
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  3. Brutalford

    Brutalford Bobtail Member

    Sep 15, 2012
    I understand that being truckers we will always have to deal with crap. But what I've read on Tni isn't completely accurate. Reasons why!
    1. Tni has mostly all their problems cause of abusive drivers, who treat trucks and trls like crap.
    2. Layover and detention pay is avail when u sit for 4hrs but must be dispatched on load.
    3. As far as fueling goes its all bs when u fuel u are suppose to top off, so on a act week 6 days u should fuel 6x. Every 6-700 miles. If u go over call in and tell them that you need extra fuel. They will open card up to top off. They do this to monitor fuel for theft!!
    3. I have been here roughly 2yrs not once have I had problems, however my complaints are simple
    most issues are customer related issues. Delays, no Mty Trls, uses our Trls for storage, and as far as dispatch, it's simply explained like this.
    Dispatchers are like the weather man. U may get 1 good one out of 10 any dispatcher should know his drivers, I take the time to call anytime I get a new one and explain. I'm here to work I need miles I will push to be ontime and all I ask is you keep me happy and we both will benefit.
    As far as trucks go. They are mostly new, and do have issues occasionally but like my truck it's under warranty. To say that they run illegal is lies. Do drivers yes and they get caught. By personal standards I refuse to run illegal and so should you. I run on avr 650-695 miles a day 11hrs fuel in morning or night I like morning at start of day to run straight. I don't kiss butts and I tell them how I feel I don't get punished. I can give as much as I get. And they all know me. Anytime u start a company fill out an inspection sheet and have them sign it call in and inform fm, safety. As far as that one comment about no one being in charleston is a lie. 24hrs pal. U could not have gotten the key without or even bills so don't lie. I rate them at a 7 for ease of loads, a 6 for quality of trucks/Trls that's drv fault, a 8 on maint/ and a 3 on shop williness to fix problem when asked to fix them. Terminals are fine however there is a severe health hazard that need fixing. That's wiping ur butts and throwing the paper in a open container. Laredo mostly. There are good people working here. Friendly?? Better than jb, or usx if u want a job here establish itself as a driver. Not a lazy, attitude throwing blame maker, or a pissed of baby who screwed up.
    missouritrucker and easy duz it Thank this.
  4. drvrtech77

    drvrtech77 Road Train Member

    Mar 20, 2010
    You're not running 695 mi in 11hrs...that's a 63mph avg....with constant construction and other traffic just isn't practical for that too occur.
  5. Brutalford

    Brutalford Bobtail Member

    Sep 15, 2012
  6. ralph

    ralph Road Train Member

    Mar 1, 2009
    At The Key Board
  7. Brutalford

    Brutalford Bobtail Member

    Sep 15, 2012
    Yeah I don't use that dot and most companies use mapquest. The miles on mapquest are way off anyways.
  8. justcruzin1

    justcruzin1 Bobtail Member

    Nov 30, 2012
    Sunrise Beach, MO
    Sure it is....with paper logs it is easy. With e-logs you just have to stay with it, keep the left door closed. You may not be able to do it all the time, but depending on the area you run, it is possible, but not all the time.
  9. TruckerDesiree

    TruckerDesiree Bobtail Member

    Jan 4, 2009
    West Palm Beach, Florida
    I have had a recent complaint on this carrier for sexual harassment , unsafe working conditions and DAC abuse. There is a pending case so that is all I can say. There is not much info on this carrier which has been referred to as "outlaw". Does anyone know their DOT #? I would like to look it up on FMCSA website. I understand they go by TNI but also RMR Driver Services.

  10. Brutalford

    Brutalford Bobtail Member

    Sep 15, 2012
    That's actually kinda funny, you said "I had a sexual harassment claim against this company" ok for 1. Liar! Anyone who has a case against a company is not going to say "against this carrier".
    Then you said "unsafe working conditions" if your a crappy driver (if u are even a driver) then ur unsafe not the company.
    then u said "I understand they go by Tni or rmr" that statement alone shows you are full of crapppppp.
    and you would know if its a outlaw company if you had worked for Tni, and its not! And you need to keep your mouth shut cause one of these companies may end up suing you for falsifying or creating lies to gain information. A truck driver doesn't talk like a robot, like you! Sexual harassment?? I got some for you, you need a foot planted in you butt so you will stop lying!
  11. beerwolfhlc

    beerwolfhlc Bobtail Member

    Aug 1, 2013
    Brutalford, I see you have commented as recent as June,so I'm hoping you see this reply soon. I am a driver with over 17 years otr,give or take BUT all thats out the window due to my own fault of getting a dwi conviction 2/2012. Offense occured 2/2009. But anyway,here's why I'm trying to contact you about TNI. They are one of only maybe three companies that will even touch me and my record, so I wanted to know how it "really" was like to work for them. Do they really leave you sitting for days w/o a load and NO PAY for sitting? And what about the slip seat thing? And do they charge for out-of-route miles? I cam understand this if say for instance, from Laredo to El Paso and you took Interstates only THEN I could understand this. Please let me know ASAP as I am in desperate need of a driving job BUT dont want my DAC screwed up any more than it is! Thanks
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