to all end dump haulers...

Discussion in 'Tanker, Bulk and Dump Trucking Forum' started by leo319, Jan 25, 2012.

  1. Trashtrucker1707

    Trashtrucker1707 Road Train Member

    Dec 30, 2017
    Same here, not much in the way of washouts, sure as heck do a lot of sweeping though!!!
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  3. motocross25

    motocross25 Road Train Member

    Sep 23, 2010
    Overland Park, KS
    Lots of sweeping and dude no matter what, I’ll think “ohh yea I got it figured out this time” and I’m always sweeping into the wind with that #### blowing right back in my face :mad:
    D.Tibbitt and Professor No-Name Thank this.
  4. Professor No-Name

    Professor No-Name Road Train Member

    Nov 26, 2016
    I was gonna add, yea it just depends on the product you're gonna haul next. It determines wether swept out is good enough or a wash out is required. Roofing granules require a washout, where as switching from rock to sand may only need swept out. I pull a hopper bottom an cross contamination is a big issue. A lot of places want to see a washout receipt an bills for up to your last 3 loads. Have to do research for a wash place that will do hoppers tho. A litta places won't do them. Blue Beacon won't do hoppers for example.
    Rugerfan Thanks this.
  5. Trashtrucker1707

    Trashtrucker1707 Road Train Member

    Dec 30, 2017
    Are you guys like me when it comes to a clean interior on your truck? I don't know what it is for me, even if the outside is filthy, I never let the inside get dirty. And the reason I ask, today, with tomorrow being the first day of spring, I did my annual spring cleaning. This truck has a little over 400K on it and I've had it since new, and the inside is like the day it was issued to me, actually cleaner because the mechanics don't give a rats butt about cleaning it after they install the PTO and what not. My go to is some stuff called "fabuloso" I spray it on the floor and wipe it dry, and it leaves that truck smelling excellent. Anyway, I know it's tough given the nature of our job, but I've found if you don't let it get nasty, it's actually super easy to keep clean, even with all the elements we deal with.
    D.Tibbitt and Professor No-Name Thank this.
  6. Professor No-Name

    Professor No-Name Road Train Member

    Nov 26, 2016
    My truck was pretty dirty when I got it. I've cleaned it an put some rugs down. I vacuum at least twice a week. Constantly shaking driver rug out. I like clean.
  7. Al. Roper

    Al. Roper Road Train Member

    Apr 21, 2013
    Bakersville NC
    I'm a bit off the reservation...Dwight IL for the night. Chasing them dollars
    D.Tibbitt and Professor No-Name Thank this.
  8. Arctic_fox

    Arctic_fox Experienced mx13 execrator

    Sep 16, 2016
    So im up in NM today. Thought i had taken a wrong turn into wyoming for a bit there. Crossed the texas border and it went from calm sunny day to this.



    Truck was getting kicked around so hard i was having trouble keeping her on the road and almost got headoned by a hotshot who was half way into my lane on a 2 lane road. decided to find a safe place to put down lol. Oh and that 60mph gust is deceptive. Id say its gusting closer to 70 maybe 75 judgeing by the dust being kicked up and how hard it was to walk into it. Plus when im on the middle lane and my trailer is in the rumbles....time to get off the road lol.
    D.Tibbitt and Professor No-Name Thank this.
  9. Professor No-Name

    Professor No-Name Road Train Member

    Nov 26, 2016
    That's not far from where i live in Peoria.
    Al. Roper Thanks this.
  10. Al. Roper

    Al. Roper Road Train Member

    Apr 21, 2013
    Bakersville NC
    Copy that...dropped down to Champaign and got the trailer hosed out. Atlantic Services across the Interstate from the Road Ranger, did a jam up job. Trying to get some hominy on then headed for SC in the morning.
    Professor No-Name Thanks this.
  11. Trashtrucker1707

    Trashtrucker1707 Road Train Member

    Dec 30, 2017
    @Al. Roper off topic, but did you see where Blue Max closed up shop, amazes me how companies like that just disappear overnight like that, can’t really say it surprises me with them though.
    Professor No-Name and Al. Roper Thank this.
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