Lawl! I know the place. They get me every time i go through there. Tried to give me a ticket once in my green truck since it had 80k instead of 85.5+ on the door dispite my being permited higher.
to all end dump haulers...
Discussion in 'Tanker, Bulk and Dump Trucking Forum' started by leo319, Jan 25, 2012.
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Sons Hero, Oxbow, Arctic_fox and 1 other person Thank this.
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D.Tibbitt and Arctic_fox Thank this.
Waiting to get rinsed out in Mount Vernon IL then loading apples back to the house. What’s everyone else doing?
I’m sitting at my favorite little diner in town, unloaded rock this morning near Daytona beach, unfortunately my pre load fell through so I came home empty and I’ll run up there Monday and get it as long as they make the material today (cold patch). Nice chilly start to the day at least.
motocross25 Thanks this. -
What do they do with the apples @motocross25
motocross25 Thanks this. -
You seen hide or hair from our favorite frameless female @NightWind lately?Sons Hero, NightWind, kylefitzy and 1 other person Thank this. -
No, no sightings lately, I keep an eye and an ear out for her every time I’m up that way. I’m thinking she sold her old trailer, could’ve sworn I saw an older Mack pulling it about a month or so ago. As far as the apples, I kind of figured that’s what they did, never hurts to ask though.
Trucking Jobs in 30 seconds
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