
Discussion in 'Maverick' started by Flattie C, Apr 21, 2016.

  1. Flattie C

    Flattie C Light Load Member

    Mar 26, 2016
    So I read one post about the trainer thing telling that its hard to find a trainer if you are a women going flatbed coz of the sexual harasment and majority of flabeder are men.So I'm wondering how many of you guys are actually willing to train women? :D Or doesn't care if their student is male or female?
    Last edited: Apr 21, 2016
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  3. CrappieJunkie

    CrappieJunkie Wishin' I was fishin'

    Mar 9, 2014
    In a van down by the River.
    If I was a trainer Id train men only cause Im married and wife wouldnt want me training women.
    Moon_beam and Canned Spam Thank this.
  4. CJndaTruck

    CJndaTruck Road Train Member

    Nov 21, 2014
    Knoxville, TN (area)
    When I did train I didn't care if you were male or female. I never worked for maverick but I'm sure they have the same problem the company I worked for had. Few men want to train women is true. For many reasons (one was stated above). It usually takes longer for women to get out on the road after school due to this.

    Good luck.
    Flattie C Thanks this.
  5. LindaPV

    LindaPV Medium Load Member

    I had 3 years flatbed experience, and Maverick recruter blew me off. So did TMC. The idiot at TMC even said they didn't hire women. I went outlaw as long as i could stand it. Pulling a blown away frozen tarp ain't no tea party.
  6. thelushlarry

    thelushlarry Road Train Member

    Jan 9, 2012
    glasgow ky
    I can not train women. Been trying to train wife for 30 years not having any luck!:(
  7. Flattie C

    Flattie C Light Load Member

    Mar 26, 2016
    For me I really dont care if my trainer is a male or female as long as they will train me. Hopefully I will not have any issue finding a trainer knowing I'm a woman
  8. Chinatown

    Chinatown Road Train Member

    Aug 28, 2011
    Henderson, NV & Orient
    Must be some sort of macho thing. Can't imagine a man not wanting to train a woman. I'd rather chat with a woman any day than a man. I don't work at Maverick, but if I did, would be happy to train you.
  9. dngrous_dime

    dngrous_dime Road Train Member

    Jan 28, 2014
    Lansing area, MI
    If I were to ever become a driver trainer, regardless of type of training, I would "prefer" to not train women. Personality conflicts are common, and all it would take is for her to get pissed about the way I do things, and I could be sitting in the HR office facing sexual harassment charges, or worse, alleged rape. If you think like an evil woman, it would be easy to fake it. "I never got a chance to go to a hospital after it happened, because he was in charge of the truck."

    I'd never actually do any of that, but my point is that it's far too easy to screw someone over. I'll pass on taking the risk.
    Moon_beam Thanks this.
  10. Friday

    Friday Road Train Member

    Apr 7, 2016
    Charlottesville, Va
    to be fair, there's nothing stopping a male student from claiming sexual harrassment or alleged rape. And if you really think that it'll get blown off cause you're both male...
    Hoot67 Thanks this.
  11. 426yankee

    426yankee Light Load Member

    Jan 23, 2016
    Yeah, the problem is, these days people are not given the benefit of the doubt. As a professional driver, I do feel that I have info and techniques that I could share and help people new to this industry and make a very positive impact in the early stages of their career. The issue as I see it, everyone wants to believe the victim and is eager to be offended so they can take the "moral high ground". Use to be, you were innocent until proven guilty, now just the opposite is true. I'm not trying to be a conspiracy theory kind of guy here, but the reality is, espeacially with things like sexual harassment, you have to PROVE you are not guilty. These days, it seems, that when people are turned down for something, or don't get there way, or fail at something, out comes the race,gender,sexual orientation, nationality card. It seems the mentality is I didn't fail because of me, its because you hate me for who I am. The powers that be are almost required to do all that is within their abilities to "help the victim" I get that there will always be people who hate, and who do not treat people as they should be treated, there always have and there always will be, in every profession. The prevailing atmosphere though, seems to try and "correct" all the years of bad things that have happened, by making these current situations as heinous as possible. Everybody seems to forget that there are millions and millions of people who are just trying to live and enjoy their lives and be happy, in their "part of the world".
    It sucks that this is the reality of not only this, but every profession, but this is, where we are.. Good luck in your travels and I do hope that you are patient and get your trainer and succeed in your chosen career
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