When I finished with my trainer 2 Weeks ago and was back in NLR for final evaluation I met a female Maverick driver trainer who also was a Black Hat. Amazing person. She said she trains female students. Her name escapes me right now but I would talk to Mearl and Marty and request her.
Discussion in 'Maverick' started by Flattie C, Apr 21, 2016.
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I get the spouse thing, but not every trainer is married, and not every married trainer's wife is paranoid.
Is she attractive? Yes. Should that hold her up in her aspirations and ambitions? How stupid...absolutely not. I'm surprised it's being discussed in 2016. I have 4 daughters, they are held to certain expectations from me. The're simple expectations but they exist all the same. Accomplish your goals is one of them. -
I'm a total sexist and I'll admit it... God made women’s feet smaller for fitting under kitchen cabinets, not kicking tires, and tarps. <--I'm only half kidding
Male chauvinism, and pure chivalry are judged in the eye of the woman; Either way it will be tough to find a male to treat you as an equal when the load demands physical work. Meaning when you're fully trained, you won't have the full effect of being out alone.
Get a female trainer if possible, and I sincerely wish you luck in your new career -
It would be a big help if you can give me her name just in case I will have problem finding a female trainer.
And thank you everyone for the response! -
I just contacted a few friends from my evaluation crew. The female trainer I was referring to was training a female student by the name of Amanda, a late thirties African American woman. That's the best info I can give you. No one could recall Amanda's last name but anyone in the Driver Trainer crew, Jenny, Merl or Marty should be able to locate who I am referring to with that student name. Cheers and just go for it. -
That female black hat trainers name is Liz Imel. She is TCD though so not sure if she trains flatbed drivers or not.
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