Trans Am Still

Discussion in 'Motor Carrier Questions - The Inside Scoop' started by Cranky Yankee, Jun 30, 2014.

  1. scottlav46

    scottlav46 Road Train Member

    Jun 18, 2015
    Escanaba, MI
    Dang HTQ's fella rolled a tanker? Is the lad alright? First I'm hearing of this.
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  3. Chinatown

    Chinatown Road Train Member

    Aug 28, 2011
    Henderson, NV & Orient
    Get one of these;
  4. Panhandle flash

    Panhandle flash Road Train Member

    Jul 18, 2008
    Oklahoma City
    He survived but is having problems.
    scottlav46 Thanks this.
  5. kf4omc

    kf4omc Medium Load Member

    Aug 24, 2012
    Clearwater, FL
    Well i am back on the road again doing LTL Freight out of Florida for Twiss Transport. I onlybdid 6 month with TransAm but i did learn alot from them and the people on here.

    Attached Files:

    Rollr4872 and Panhandle flash Thank this.
  6. zaroba

    zaroba Heavy Load Member

    Aug 28, 2012
    South East PA
    Still with TransAm.
    Completed a 6 month lease, renewed it a bit before xmas.

    Ran 60 loads during that first 6 month lease.
    Put over 65,000 miles on the truck overall.
    Had 61,929 paid miles
    10 runs were under 500 miles
    18 runs were 500-1000 miles
    23 runs were 1000-1500 miles
    9 runs were over 1500 miles

    Average trip was 1032.2 miles - 884.6 miles loaded and 147.6 miles deadhead
  7. zaroba

    zaroba Heavy Load Member

    Aug 28, 2012
    South East PA
    Another 6 month lease done

    Ran 73 loads during the lease.
    Put 77,107 miles on the truck overall.
    Had 72,705 paid miles
    17 runs were under 500 miles
    17 runs were 500-1000 miles
    27 runs were 1000-1500 miles
    10 runs were 1500-2000 miles
    2 runs were over 2000 miles

    Average trip was 996 miles - 865.2 miles loaded and 130.7 miles deadhead
    jaso37 Thanks this.
  8. bigred81

    bigred81 Medium Load Member

    Aug 5, 2013
    That's a lot of miles in six months, darn good work.
  9. zaroba

    zaroba Heavy Load Member

    Aug 28, 2012
    South East PA
    Been a long time since I posted, final updates...

    Third 6 month lease:
    Ran 71 loads during the lease.
    Had 66,679 paid miles
    20 runs were under 500 miles
    17 runs were 500-1000 miles
    22 runs were 1000-1500 miles
    11 runs were 1500-2000 miles
    1 run was over 2000 miles

    I left the company in Feb 2018, shortly after that lease. Warranty expired on the truck and I believe the turbo was going. The truck had been in the shop 7 times for warranty repairs during these 3 leases plus a few times for non-warranty stuff. They wouldn't sell the truck for another year and a half so I said goodbye since I wasn't going to lease a truck that wasn't under warranty (I honestly no longer trusted the truck) and didn't want to start over with a different truck, secondary reason for leaving being that they didn't travel past the rockies and I wanted to go all over the country. Overall I liked the company and enjoyed my time there, didn't like how often I was in the shop.

    Total sum of loads from the three 6 month leases:
    Ran 204 loads
    Had 201,313 paid miles - 174,698 loaded and 26,615 empty (15.23%)
    Average of 11,184.1 miles per month, 134,208.6 per year
    Average trip length was 986.8 miles (856.4 loaded, 130.5 empty)
    47 runs were under 500 miles
    52 runs were 500-1000 miles
    72 runs were 1000-1500 miles
    33 runs were over 1500 miles

    Warranty Repairs for my 2015 t680:
    Fuel Pump
    Brake Can
    Charge Air Cooler
    Auto trans actuator
    Auto trans clutch (almost wasn't warranty, tried saying it was my fault for shifting during wheel spin, but it's an automatic and shifts when it wants to)
    Air vent system for the front of the cab (required entire disassembly of the dash, the original part was manufactured in 2008)

    Few non-warrenty issues:
    Battery cable replacement due to excessive corrosion.
    Numerous shop visits for the espar heater (mostly regular yearly maintenance)
    Numerous shop visits to get the inverter working, no charge due to being company equipment.
    ThermoKing APU starter, few hundred to replace it, broke again 2 weeks later so was considered defective and fixed for free
    ThermoKing APU belt broke and ripped off the temp senser, it overheated, warped the head, and melted the gasket and intake filter holder. Luckily it shut down before catching fire but it cost a few thousand to repair.
    Last edited: Aug 4, 2019
    passport220 and FlaSwampRat Thank this.
  10. The Big T

    The Big T Medium Load Member

    Jan 22, 2012
    New Hampshire
    That's a lot of runnin'. So how'd you make out..... Gross/Net? How often did you take time off and for how long?
  11. Chinatown

    Chinatown Road Train Member

    Aug 28, 2011
    Henderson, NV & Orient
    @zaroba - which company are you with now?
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