TransAm: It isn't THAT bad

Discussion in 'Motor Carrier Questions - The Inside Scoop' started by KillerBug, Jul 28, 2012.

  1. mdtruck2011

    mdtruck2011 Bobtail Member

    Jul 24, 2012
    $0.84 plus fsc? TransAm used to be a great job.....back in the day. We used to run NYC 2x week, until DOT came in and put the kabash on it all. I had a truck leased on there in 1994-1996. That is when the New Quallcom devices were being introduced, that's when Daddy Russ and I parted ways. Back then, we got $0.81cpm (but no fsc). So, the mileage pay has only increaesed $0.03 in 20 years????? What a bargain!!!!! Good luck to the poor souls tryin to make it under a buck.
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  3. mdtruck2011

    mdtruck2011 Bobtail Member

    Jul 24, 2012
    Johnny J and Trudy were still in the office then, but they brought in this guy, Russ McElliot to be the hatchet man
  4. WCman1976

    WCman1976 Bobtail Member

    Sep 18, 2012
    Troy, NY
    I love this post as I am going out to TransAm on November 14. Only question I have for you: when you say turn down "bad loads," what exactly do you mean? I am COMPLETELY new to this industry (just spent the last 12 years as an office clerk), so I have no idea what constitutes a bad load.
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 26, 2012
  5. CondoCruiser

    CondoCruiser The Legend

    Apr 18, 2010
    How about Motor Carriers the Inside Scoop.

    It sure doesn't belong in the bad company forum. The bad company forum isn't up for individual thread challenges.

    Under each forum title is a little description what goes in that forum. ;)

    I also removed the last paragraph of your post.

    Soliciting for referrals is a good way to get banned from here.
  6. 123456

    123456 Road Train Member

    Oct 22, 2010
    why is this even in the

    Transport America section ????
  7. Cowpie1

    Cowpie1 Road Train Member

    Nov 25, 2008
    Kellogg, IA
    What is TA's current FSC? Might have missed that in previous posts. What are current discounts on fuel at various locations? What is detention rate for hours after 2 at customer? Did I read correctly that TA's rate for lease ons is .84 a mile? How much do they charge for qualcomm / week? Do they have pre-pass and ez pass and do they charge for it or pay the tolls?
  8. .honeybadger.

    .honeybadger. Road Train Member

    Sep 30, 2012
    Last I checked, FSC is .45. Discounts seem to vary by location from what I can tell when comparing receipts to pump price to actual settlements. Lease operators make .84/mile and yes, they do charge you $15/week for Qualcomm. Prepass is charged at $3.40/week but they pay the actual tolls. EZpass is moot point because TA no longer qualifies because of CSA scores so drivers will no longer be charged, but no more skipping the coops either. :\
    Last edited: Oct 28, 2012
  9. WCman1976

    WCman1976 Bobtail Member

    Sep 18, 2012
    Troy, NY
    Out of all the companies I called, Trans Am was the second highest pay per mile. Roehl was the top contender, especially their flatbed pay rate.
  10. Cowpie1

    Cowpie1 Road Train Member

    Nov 25, 2008
    Kellogg, IA
    Well, the rate for operators at my carrier (Fremont Contract Carriers, Fremont, NE) is a spread between .95 and 1.13, based on length of haul (shorter pays better). Most of my hauls are right around $1 a mile. Deadhead rate at Fremont is what TA is paying for regular haul. The FSC right now is .49. Qualcomm is charged at $10 a week. Pay rate I quoted is van side, the flatbed side is paying a penny or two more on the rate. My carrier also has a listing of all the fuel stops in the nation (not just ones in network) on their website showing the current price (updated every two hours) and the current discount. A quick check of things, and I can determine the lowest cost for fuel along a run. Stops are paid $75 for 1st extra stop, and $100 for each one after that. Detention is paid after 2 hrs, at right around $38 an hour, sometimes more. Most drivers (company or operators) are home every weekend and holiday. And our score is good enough that flying by the coops on a green is normal.

    TA needs to get up to speed. Thanks for the info though. I know where I would never put my truck.
    Last edited: Oct 28, 2012
  11. Spexman

    Spexman Bobtail Member

    Oct 23, 2012
    I'd like to converse with you. I'm starting out in trucking late in life after operating my own business for 26 years until the sour economy caused the bottom to fall out. At my age 59 I'm concerned with trying to adapt. I'm mostly concerned with how to pace myself so I can maintain. Anything you can share would be appreciated.

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