Transition from 18 wheels to garbage truck

Discussion in 'Waste Removal and Garbage Truck Driver Forum' started by Rocky the Flying Squirrel, Feb 26, 2015.

  1. Blackshack46

    Blackshack46 Road Train Member

    Just remember. Garbage man deaths per year outrank police and firefighters. It's a very dangerous job. I did it for two years but I was tired of not being in the drivers seat and get hit. I mean come on people I'm a stationary object right now. How can I get hit 5 times in a year. Well I got out of that bussiness quick. Went back to my roots hauling food grade tankers. Good luck. And be safe!
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  3. GmanInCali

    GmanInCali Bobtail Member

    Sep 8, 2013
    To the O.P.............. I'd say go at a speed you are comfortable with, SAFETY FIRST! And yes, the sanitation industry is one of the 10 most dangerous jobs, sometimes it because of events outside of our control, but sometimes because garbage truck drivers are in too big of a hurry!
  4. seatwarmer

    seatwarmer Bobtail Member

    May 1, 2013
    Don't work for anyone that pay's you by the load, or at a flat rate for a day's work. It usually ends up with people being reckless in an effort to go fast, and puts no incentive on the employer to make the route a reasonable size. Pay by the hour, with at least time and a half overtime or GTFO.

    Also, if your backing anywhere beside a dead end street, or at the dump, your running the route wrong. (at least for residential, haven't done commercial) I've been on plenty of routes with other people who were back happy that I've run myself without backing at all, and we still both get done at the same time. Most people who are back happy just haven't studied the map hard enough to realize there's a better way, and are taking needless risks.
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