Anybody here work for them or have any dealings with them? Their website has some info but not much as far as pay or anything goes. Any info would be appreciated!
Tribe express, tribe transport??
Discussion in 'Motor Carrier Questions - The Inside Scoop' started by TIMEWEASEL, Feb 28, 2012.
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Just bumping this thread to make sure anybody with any info may see it. Thanks again
wesland24 Thanks this. -
Bumping again......anybody work for them or know anybody that does? Thanks!
charles1194 Thanks this. -
Good company .wil not pay Break Down pay or detention they are going to eobrs take 3 Week to get a check they are not a driver carrier . When they go to carrier Web it is worry some
Nice Eqt no inverters no tripack
thanks, I was just curious.....they have an office just right up the street from me and I always see shiny new trucks sitting there
Look I like the company but they are i.e. the growth period and I would rather tell I the truth before I come her and find I made the wrong move . Them point are major points for a driver
huh? what did he say
Look they are some good people but u do some setting .they do not pay detention time and if u have done frozen . U know the wait time. They do not pay for that .u are always dealing with over axel problems . The eqt is nice but they run it till it breaks before they fix it .
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