Tribe Transport

Discussion in 'Freight Broker Forum' started by Lukas1531, Mar 14, 2024.

  1. Lukas1531

    Lukas1531 Bobtail Member

    Mar 20, 2020
    Attention o/O! Tribe transport has a new way to scam you of some money. Did 2 loads for them one after the other for a total rate of $4000. 2months later I recieve the payments minus $400 for not tracking. I reached out to the broker providing him the proof that I tracked both loads with tracking fourkites he sent requests for. Crickets no response since. Accounting is no help either. Brokers name is Joshua Chapman. Went to email history got a bunch of canceled loads that never paid tonu from him. Be careful before working with him.
    Last edited: Mar 14, 2024
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  3. Tall Mike

    Tall Mike Road Train Member

    Aug 20, 2014
    New York
    Tribe is a 1st class bottom feeder. Canceled loads is nothing new for them.
    PPNLE, 86scotty and exhausted379 Thank this.
  4. rollin coal

    rollin coal Road Train Member

    Mar 29, 2008
    Terrible brokerage. Never booked anything from them in 10+ years but spoke with a bunch of their smart mouthed agents from time to time. That's what and how they do it. I just ignored the number if it ever popped up. They're not interested in dependable carrier relationships and guaranteed that attitude will come across if you ever have the displeasure of discussing an available load with them.
    PPNLE and Old_n_gray Thank this.
  5. PPNLE

    PPNLE Road Train Member

    Jun 15, 2017
    St. Paul, MN
    Man, I don't even get that stuff. People are nuts.
    Freddy57 and Tall Mike Thank this.
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