Trucker Killed In Road Rage Shooting

Discussion in 'Trucking Accidents' started by mjd4277, Apr 23, 2024.

  1. cuzzin it

    cuzzin it Road Train Member

    Jan 19, 2008
    Berea, KY
    Swung at him with flashlight ? Thats Disparity of Force. Hopefully he gets a good lawyer. Leaving the scene, will hurt him. As well as shooting on the retreat, depending on the state
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  3. mjd4277

    mjd4277 Road Train Member

    Oct 4, 2015
    Louisiana,they’ll probably give him 40 years to life if or when he gets caught.
  4. cuzzin it

    cuzzin it Road Train Member

    Jan 19, 2008
    Berea, KY
    Depending on the lawyer. If lawyer proves self defense. And it was. Person should be aquitted. Leaving the scene is a no no tho
    Flat Earth Trucker Thanks this.
  5. mjd4277

    mjd4277 Road Train Member

    Oct 4, 2015
    So is shooting someone when they’re running away.
    A jury will definitely take that into account!
    And let’s not forget while the driver was running away the shooter PURSUED the driver and shot the driver IN THE HEAD.
    That’s more or less EXECUTION STYLE- and shows possible PREMEDITATION!
    That was definitely not necessary-the driver was running away for his life and as such,no longer a threat!
    If the shooter is caught I wouldn’t be surprised if he is charged with first degree murder-maybe even capital murder,which under Louisiana law makes the shooter eligible for either the death penalty or life imprisonment without parole.
    And the fact that the shooter headed west to Texas afterwards self defense is definitely not going to apply-at that point it’ll be a federal matter since we’re crossing state lines!
    Last edited: Apr 26, 2024
  6. aussiejosh

    aussiejosh Road Train Member

    Aug 28, 2009
    Airlie Beach QLd
    This reminds me of that Movie starring Russel Crowe called "Unhinged" where he gets all upset because the lady behind him honks at him when he does not move after the lights turn green, pulls up a 1/2 mile further along side their car and demands an apology, after she fobbed him off it only gets worse from there.
  7. cuzzin it

    cuzzin it Road Train Member

    Jan 19, 2008
    Berea, KY
    If he started shooting when guy swinging a flashlight was attacking, then no. If flashlight fella was heading for truck, no again. Because shooter has reason to believe Flash was going to access another weapon. If Flashlight fella saw gun a ran in differant direction before any shots were fired then yes. I strongly doubt that that was what happened. Most likely after ducking a swing, the shooter drew and started firing and struck as Flash was turning to get to truck.
    We will find out soon enough since there seemed to be several cameras catch the event, and that person will be found
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 28, 2024
    Reason for edit: Fixed quote
    Flat Earth Trucker Thanks this.
  8. cuzzin it

    cuzzin it Road Train Member

    Jan 19, 2008
    Berea, KY
    And if shooter has 2nd ammendment lawyer, it wont go to trial if the lawyer is good.
  9. mjd4277

    mjd4277 Road Train Member

    Oct 4, 2015
    Remember that lady down in Florida who chased someone down in her Jeep and shot them and tried to use the “stand your ground” statute as an excuse??

    Look at how well it worked out for her..
    (Life imprisonment).
  10. cuzzin it

    cuzzin it Road Train Member

    Jan 19, 2008
    Berea, KY
    Vaguely..... and how does that have ANY relation to this event ?????
    This is simple... person beginings attacking with a flash light. The person being attacked stopped the attack. Unless mr flashlight got yards away before the headshot. It's simple
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