We all know TruckerPath is good for when you’re looking for parking but as anybody here use the premium plan and use their trucking GPS? For those that do, is it worth it? Does TruckerPath send you guys to the correct truck entrance? Thanks!!
TruckerPath as a truck GPS, is it worth it?
Discussion in 'Questions From New Drivers' started by nextgentrucker, Jan 25, 2025.
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The paid TP is OK for trucking. IMO, until you have experience using any GPS system you won't know if it works for you or not. I usually had my trucking GPS running and TP running to show Google traffic & truck stop info.
One warning, cops will think you are screwing with your phone not using your GPS if you use TP as your GPS on your phone.Chi Town Steers and nextgentrucker Thank this. -
I had good luck with TP. It would always bring you to the truck entrance. You get parking prediction and parking history included on the $99 plan. Now they have traffic cams you can look and see if you want and you can download the maps if you want if in bad cell area.
Chi Town Steers and nextgentrucker Thank this. -
TP will only be as good as your cellular coverage performance.
The best truck GPS systems will be fed via satellites, & not cellular towers; MUCH BETTER reliability that way....
-- LTruckDriver87, classic_150, Chi Town Steers and 2 others Thank this. -
nextgentrucker Thanks this.
nextgentrucker Thanks this.
-- Lnextgentrucker Thanks this.
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