1. coastietruckin'

    coastietruckin' Light Load Member

    Dec 28, 2015
    Southern NJ
    "You will gain 30 lbs, no doubt about that....We are lucky to have the bathrooms clean once a week."

    Nice! So be prepared for nasty ##itters and eating chili dogs all the time? Lol
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  3. coastietruckin'

    coastietruckin' Light Load Member

    Dec 28, 2015
    Southern NJ
    Same here. I'm looking to go flatbed with TMC or Maverick or Schneider bulk for my first 1-2 years, then settle in to a decent local job.
  4. CSDixon

    CSDixon Light Load Member

    Feb 7, 2017
    Denver CO
    Jump rope. A Speed rope actually.
    It's cheap, portable, burns more calories than you might think and...
    improves cardiovascular fitness while toning muscle at the same time.
    Read this important article from WebMd before you start though.
    tscottme and coastietruckin' Thank this.
  5. coastietruckin'

    coastietruckin' Light Load Member

    Dec 28, 2015
    Southern NJ
    Speed rope sounds like a great idea. I know youtube has a bunch of vids on body weight exercises too. I'll just have to get creative when I'm stopped for the night in the middle of nevada....just have to hope I dont get picked up by UFO's in im jogging through the desert lol.
  6. Lepton1

    Lepton1 Road Train Member

    Nov 23, 2012
    Yukon, OK

    Don't count calories.

    Count sugar.

    When I started driving truck again in 2012, I quickly gained 30 lbs on top of the love handles I had already been sporting. I already had the knowledge to change direction, but it was my older brother getting cancer that really motivated me to look into my health.

    Within six months I dropped 40 lbs, dropped my resting heart rate from 72 to 58, and went from prediabetic to the doctor asking me, "What the #### did you do?"

    I told him.

    The great majority of what I eat by weight and volume is raw fruits and vegetables. I eliminated sugar and simple carbohydrates from my diet. I added a lot of high quality fats, like olive oil and eating canned mackerel and salmon. I stopped eating bread.

    Getting sick on the road is no fun. The last time I was sick was three weeks of hell, starting with swollen lymph nodes under my jaw, progressing into a sore throat and cough. That was in January 2014. I haven't even had a runny nose since then.

    Study up. Google the following:

    Human microbiome

    Sugar and health

    Sugar: The Bitter Truth (a 75 minute lecture that should PISS you off regarding the food industry)



    Read up. Bear in mind that one thing I learned along the way is that ALL taste is aquired. I can't stand sweet food anymore.

    VIDEODROME Road Train Member

    Jun 7, 2007
    angola, in
    Do you recommend any particular veggies or fruit foods to store in the truck. I can't idle to keep my cooler going.

    I have tried taking a bag of apples which is a good basic snack with shelf life. I'm also interested in quality granola bars or meal bars. Maybe trail mix? Unfortunately, I have to study up on the ingredients to make sure it doesn't have to much sugar added.

    I think your right about sugar and quality of foods. Sugary stuff or to many simple carbs probably send blood sugar up and crashing down.
    Lepton1 Thanks this.
  8. Lepton1

    Lepton1 Road Train Member

    Nov 23, 2012
    Yukon, OK
    I don't refrigerate fruit. Buy green bananas (they store well and are better for you). Apples and oranges don't need refrigeration.

    Vegetables that can last a little while without refrigeration include sugar snap peas, carrots, potatoes (yes red potatoes taste great raw), and celery. Do get a 12v cooler and idle the truck as necessary. Add leafy greens. Get probiotic foods like PLAIN yoghurt and non canned sauerkraut. Add blueberries to your yoghurt.

    Eat chocolate. It's a prebiotic. Work up to eating unsweetened baker's chocolate (took me a year weaning from Hershey's...GAG!). I keep it in the fridge and eat it with yoghurt and blueberries.

    Instead of high calorie cookies or snack bars eat raw almonds, pecans, pumpkin seeds, or pine nuts. All these will satisfy hunger and add high quality fats.

    Another search term on Google, if you REALLY want to get pissed off enough to commit to making a change:

    Sugar addiction

    The food industry has known for decades that sugar (50% glucose and 50% fructose) works the same way on your brain as cocaine or heroin. It won't get you as high, but it is more addictive than many Class I drugs. It took a few months for me to wean off of it.

    VIDEODROME Road Train Member

    Jun 7, 2007
    angola, in
    I think I managed to a point of feeling some withdrawl. I went ahead and had something sweet because I didn't want to feel so crappy and low energy while driving. Of course, after I had something sweet I felt better which should be a concern honestly.

    It may be an addiction fore to carefully wean off of instead of making a complete drastic change.
    Cerberus XVI and Lepton1 Thank this.
  10. subseaguru

    subseaguru Medium Load Member

    Sep 6, 2015
    Waco, Tx
    for whats its worth, my brother in law asked for one of those freezer/fridge units that work off 12v/110v (just change the cord) last christmas. we had the chance to speak with one of the companies selling them at the Dallas truck show. He is pretty happy with it. his wife freezes food that she makes during the week in a ziplock or food pouch and he takes it with him when he leaves out. Thats great since hes home every weekend but he doesnt buy food and uses a lunchbox oven to heat it up.
    Cerberus XVI and carramrod32 Thank this.
  11. Lepton1

    Lepton1 Road Train Member

    Nov 23, 2012
    Yukon, OK
    I used a Koolatron brand 12v cooler. Great addition to the truck when I didn't have a refrigerator.
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