trucking companies that do not govern trucks or can at least do 70 mph

Discussion in 'Motor Carrier Questions - The Inside Scoop' started by txrep, Oct 25, 2013.

  1. Blagoje

    Blagoje Medium Load Member

    Jul 14, 2022
    Paris, Illinois
    This is a good thread that I wanted to revive and add to:

    Service One Transportation of Plymouth, Wisconsin
    72mph governor on cruise
    I'm not exactly sure if there is a pedal governor but I regularly get to 73 or 74 if I can't pass someone on cruise at 72.

    Coming from driving for Roehl and being governed at 65mph I am absolutely loving being able to drive above 70mph without any restrictions. It makes a huge difference in how I'm able to move through traffic and just makes me feel like I'm accomplishing far more everyday with less stress.
    Speed_Drums Thanks this.
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