Uniden 68 and a booster

Discussion in 'CB Radio Forum' started by hagerman, Jan 25, 2023.

  1. hagerman

    hagerman Bobtail Member

    Jan 25, 2023
    What type of booster can I run with this radio unidrn 68 without causing damage to my radio haven't used a CB radio since the 1970s unsure about what I can run and not run with this radio have A35 and Elite booster ,Thanks Tripping 7
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  3. Ridgeline

    Ridgeline Road Train Member

    Dec 18, 2011
    Don't know but you need to first make sure your antenna system is working RIGHT. That makes a lot of difference.
  4. Night Stalker10

    Night Stalker10 Road Train Member

    Jun 26, 2017
    What is an A35 or elite booster? Are you referring to a cb amplifier? I own a Uniden 68xl radio. It's a very good CB radio and I've had a driver compliment how good the radio sounds. It's one of the radios in my collection that I won't sell. To me it's just a great little radio, better than the Cobra 25 Ltds that I own.
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