Up Coming Covid Mandate

Discussion in 'Australian Truckers Forum' started by aussiejosh, Nov 7, 2021.

  1. aussiejosh

    aussiejosh Road Train Member

    Aug 28, 2009
    Airlie Beach QLd
    Hi Blokes and Sheila's I was just curious to know many out there are going to be effected by some of the State government mandates its going to be compulsory in the Health, Service, and Mining industries to get a double dose of one of the recognized vaccines.
    I'm currently working in WA hauling Iron Ore from the Mines up to Port Headland and because we are contractors to the mines then we must have at least one shot of the vaccination by the 1st of December 2021, and the 2nd shot by the 1st of January 2022.
    Personally I am concerned about how this vaccination was rushed through, most immunizations for Polo.(23 years) Smallpox ( In 1796, Edward Jenner in the UK created the first successful smallpox vaccine, but it wasn’t until the 1950s that vaccine treatments began to effectively eradicate the disease in some parts of the world, but not until 1967 a global effort that provided a higher level of vaccine production and an advancement in needle technology eventually lead to eradication of the disease by 1980 ),. and Diphtheria took between 15 - 20 years to develop so they were properly tested before being approved for human use. Which is why I'm going to use a wait and see what happens attitude with these vaccinations #1 The vaccination does not stop the spread so why the mandate, #2. if the vax is so good why are they so worried about the unvaccinated for? #3. How about side effects? they have yet to be determined I don't want to be a guinea pig for big pharma. #4. Could the cure prove to be worse then the virus?
    Last edited: Nov 7, 2021
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  3. N00bLaLoosh

    N00bLaLoosh Road Train Member

    May 13, 2021
    Novi, MI
    None of this smells kosher and once one takes these shots they can't be untaken. I've already lost out on work because I refuse to wear the face diaper so I'm already an unhappy camper and all a mandate will do is reinforce that.
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