UPS Parcel question

Discussion in 'UPS/UPSF' started by TJTexas, Mar 11, 2022.

  1. TJTexas

    TJTexas Bobtail Member

    Sep 22, 2011
    Thinking about applying for a Tractor Trailer Driver slot in Livonia MI.

    Is it straight linehaul or can I be assigned as a yard jockey? Dockwork?

    How does UPS extra board work? I've heard you starve the first year or 2.

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  3. 201

    201 Road Train Member

    Apr 16, 2014
    high plains colorado
    You have to think about this? GET MOVING, pal!!! In the future, there will be like 4 trucking outfits to work for, and Buster Brown will be one of them. You know, years ago, the waiting list for a UPS T/T driver was a mile long. Since new trucks are unavailable, I saw'r a UPS driver getting fuel yesterday, had a Penske Prostar sleeper, looked like a pretty nice truck to me. I think with UPS, you get hired for a specific job, not bounce around on the dock or look for loads. UPS is practically all regular routes with drop and hook. DON'T do the parcel delivery as a shoe in, you'll never make it. Tough job, but T/T,, go,go, go,,,
    LtlAnonymous Thanks this.
  4. LtlAnonymous

    LtlAnonymous Road Train Member

    Dec 23, 2016
    Every terminal is different, so I don't know what the local Union's rules are regarding job classifications.

    Work as directed. That is what you do. If they tell you to do it, just do it. Worry about the details later.

    You might starve the first year or two. Sure. Tighten your belt, do whatever you have to do. Because oh my God is it worth it.
    Grouch, p608 and 201 Thank this.
  5. Grouch

    Grouch Road Train Member

    Feb 3, 2009
    Between here and eternity
    Everything and I mean everything is based on seniority at UPS. My son has 15 or 16 years with UPS, the first few years, he "struggled", but he is happy that he "stuck it out", it has paid dividends. In the trucking end of transportation, UPS is #1 to drive for. When you consider the pay, the benefits and home time, I do not know how you can beat UPS. I wished I had spent the last 59 years with them, instead of the companies I had to put up with.
    Milr72 and LtlAnonymous Thank this.
  6. motocross25

    motocross25 Road Train Member

    Sep 23, 2010
    Overland Park, KS
    My buddy works for them in Earth City, MO. His first year I think they threw him in a spotter truck a few nights, but that was years ago. Other than that he was trucking. I don’t THINK ups parcel will have you on the dock, but I dunno. A parcel dock is quite a bit different than a freight dock, but again I have no clue it’s just a guess. Either way I vote you pursue that job opportunity for sure. Best of luck!
    LtlAnonymous Thanks this.
  7. TJTexas

    TJTexas Bobtail Member

    Sep 22, 2011
    I'm a look before you leap guy. I'm allergic to dockwork and yard goats so I want to know what I'm up against.
  8. LtlAnonymous

    LtlAnonymous Road Train Member

    Dec 23, 2016
    As far as I know, no feeder driver does dock work. But bet your ### you'll be working the yard occasionally. Every terminal is different, but even I have done yard work, and we have yard work specialist bids at my terminal. Filling in on occasion and such.
    motocross25 and Grouch Thank this.
  9. Grouch

    Grouch Road Train Member

    Feb 3, 2009
    Between here and eternity
    Let me add to what LtlAnonymous said, and I get my info from my son. During slow times, low men on the totem pole have the opportunity, when there are no runs to cover, to go in and work the "sort". The "sort" is nothing more or less than UPS version of "dock". You are not forced, but you can supplement the pay check, instead of sitting at home. Now, being a "yard jockey", there are runs which have "shifting" attached to the runs. Say, you run from point A to point B, A might have some shifting before you leave for B, or B might have it on that end. If you go to a customer, you might be required to "shift" a few trailers. Give you a good example, my son went to a customer that had "shifting" attached to the run at the customer's yard, he moved one trailer, then sat on his rear for the next 45 mins.

    Always remember what LtlAnonymous said, "Work as directed. That is what you do. If they tell you to do it, just do it. Worry about the details later". Do not put a target on your back, you have the "elite trucking job" in transportation, take care of it.
    Last edited: Mar 12, 2022
    LtlAnonymous Thanks this.
  10. Banker

    Banker Road Train Member

    Aug 19, 2012
    Better not go to Buster if you don’t want to work the yard, as you definitely will be on occasion. Some of my worst memories are trying to stay awake working the night sort in a yard bird. It is easy work, but sometimes it can be an hour between each move. Day time yard jobs are often bid by high seniority drivers who needed a break from running the road.
    Grouch and LtlAnonymous Thank this.
  11. LtlAnonymous

    LtlAnonymous Road Train Member

    Dec 23, 2016
    Interesting. I didn't know sorting was an option at some terminals. Would've come in handy for my checkbook when I started out, but my local unions don't allow you to work another job classification generally.
    Grouch Thanks this.
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