US mail contractors

Discussion in 'Experienced Truckers' Advice' started by Graymist, Jun 18, 2009.

  1. Graymist

    Graymist Light Load Member

    Jan 25, 2007
    What are the pros and cons of working for a US mail contractor ? Which are the good and not-so-good companies in this field ? Any US mail contractors based in Pennsylvania ? Thanks.
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  3. Coyote71

    Coyote71 Light Load Member

    Sep 25, 2008
    Don't know about pros and cons since I haven't driven for anyone but a mail contractor, but the pay is good.. Paid by the hr, not by the mile. Have a tight schedule to adhere to on the routes. You probably just missed a good time to find a job with a U.S. Mail Contractor, since the routes are bid out ever yr and companies gain or lose routes.
  4. Bigarmin88

    Bigarmin88 Road Train Member

    Aug 30, 2008
    Tampa Bay Fl
    Look up B&B trucking,they a local company that hauls for u.s mail serivces.They do alot of hauling of mail in tampa bay area in Florida but I think they have offices around the north east too.They have web site,it sould tell you where they haul from.
    The Challenger Thanks this.
  5. Paddington

    Paddington Medium Load Member

    Jul 5, 2009
    Cleveland, Ohio
    Actually, the routes are bid every 4 least in these here parts.
    I drive for a mail contractor part-time on the weekends.
    It's easy $$$$.
    100% drop-hook....I hook to my trailer at the DC, one stop along the way, meet another driver at a truckstop, swap trailers, then boogie on back home.
    All turnpike.
    Pay is $25.00/hr...paid for everything NO FREEBIES!!!!
    Run is about 610 miles round out to $325 gross.
    Nice payday, easy work, all daytime driving.
    Electronic need to fill out a paper log.

    A word of caution, tho:
    Some contractors are nothing but third-rate thieves.
    They will underbid honest contractors by hiring idiots and screwing them on pay.
    Others run junk equipment.
    And will force you to run hot.
    So be very careful who you sign up with.
    Because not all contractors are the same.
  6. Coyote71

    Coyote71 Light Load Member

    Sep 25, 2008
    Could be every 4 yrs, I'm not sure. I've only worked for the company I work for, for a yr now. So I was just assuming the routes were bid out every yr.
  7. The Challenger

    The Challenger Kinghunter

    Dec 22, 2007
    East Central FL
    Pat Salmon and sons is a us mail carrier. Supposedly they are union. They do not operate in the north. Someone in another thread mentioned a company that does penn to ny runs at night.

  8. Bigarmin88

    Bigarmin88 Road Train Member

    Aug 30, 2008
    Tampa Bay Fl
    Pay is $25.00/hr...paid for everything NO FREEBIES!!!!
    WOW,$25.00 an hour!Thats big bucks.Havent came around a big pay like that a while,LOL.
  9. Paddington

    Paddington Medium Load Member

    Jul 5, 2009
    Cleveland, Ohio
    It's actually $21.00/hr but I decline the company's health insurance since I'm part-time so they kick in an extra $4.00/hr.
    I still go off-duty for meal-breaks and such. But everything else is on the meter.

    The hourly wage varies by region, cost-of-living indexes, etc. South generally pays less than up North. The wages are set by the government and the the company MUST pay you those wages.

    But this is trucking and there's alot of underhanded business that goes on with some unscrupulous contractors. So you've really got to watch who you drive for.

    I'm lucky because I work for an honest, law-abiding contractor. They even gave me a $100.00 Wal-Mart giftcard for Xmas...and I'm only part-time!
  10. vetteslayer

    vetteslayer Bobtail Member

    May 14, 2008
    Who do you drive for?
  11. catpwred

    catpwred Bobtail Member

    Aug 21, 2007
    fair oaks,ca
    mail contractors is where it's at easy money like mentioned before i ran for matheson postal for about a yr i worked all over the west coast in that yr i slept in the truck one time the reson for it was i was doin a truck transfor and didn't know where i was goin to be when my daily hrs ran out. every other time i was in a hotel if i was doin a long trip. the company flew me to different terminals to help other dispacthers. it was a great gig. if ur lookin to get into something like it now is the time the mail always picks up around the holidays and sometimes the companys keep a few guys around to rotate into the schulde thats how i got my foot in the door. i'm sure ur askin if i liked it so much why i only did it for a yr i also run heavy equipment out here so i got out of the truck to go back to doin that. i'm in the process right now since it's the winter to try and get back into mail as a temp driver for the holidays.
    Baack Thanks this.
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