UturnGirl tries again for better job

Discussion in 'Motor Carrier Questions - The Inside Scoop' started by UturnGirl, Oct 7, 2022.

  1. 2Tap

    2Tap Medium Load Member

    Jul 19, 2022
    Southern Wisconsin
    Is your new gig working out for you UturnGirl?
    I know you had a list of terms & conditions as you rightfully should with your experience but swapping jobs and trying to get what you had can be a pain in the arse....
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  3. snicrep

    snicrep Heavy Load Member

    May 13, 2009
    mcallen, tx
    I'm from something like 400 mi south of where utg is,the worst thing about the winter up north is sitting waiting for rds to open.
    UturnGirl and BennysPennys Thank this.
  4. UturnGirl

    UturnGirl Road Train Member

    Jan 16, 2010
    How true! The jury is still out on this WFX job I took. Love to see you on my new thread...Bolt Goat Lands with Western Flyer Express..
    2Tap and Lonesome Thank this.
  5. insipidtoast

    insipidtoast Heavy Load Member

    Nov 22, 2016
    Planet Earth
    I was talking about h n m
  6. 2Tap

    2Tap Medium Load Member

    Jul 19, 2022
    Southern Wisconsin
    Thanks UturnGurl. As an older worker myself i get it! It really stinks to have to reinvent the wheel every time you land a new "opportunity." Often times only because your last employer flaked out.

    Personally i feel blessed as a new driver to have landed a tanker gig with a family owned transport business owned by a man i worked with but didn't really know for years at a UAW factory. He was laid off in 2006'ish and grew one truck to 37 today with his son taking the reins. I get to train with his son starting Wednesday and look forward to learning to back rigs into farmers driveways at 0 dark thirty.

    With freight slowing here I'm thankful that its not me sitting in some lot with 30 other Millis drivers earning 0 cents per lot mile. I'm glad i didn't have to pay my dues like some of you all! Mad respect!
  7. UturnGirl

    UturnGirl Road Train Member

    Jan 16, 2010
    Don't know h n m
    88 Alpha and Bumper Thank this.
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