Video: Smart parking system demonstrated in China

Discussion in 'Other News' started by Chinatown, Jan 24, 2025.

  1. Chinatown

    Chinatown Road Train Member

    Aug 28, 2011
    Henderson, NV & Orient
    China: Smart parking system demonstrated in China
    Guangdong Province, China - January 16, 2025 On January 16, 2025, in Guangdong Province, located in southern China, a video showcased the operation of an intelligent parking system. A man was seen entering his license plate number at the entrance of a garage. Moments later, the system displayed his vehicle’s image, and after confirming the retrieval, he stood by the garage door. Within about 10 seconds, a white car was automatically transported down from an upper level, ready for the man to drive away. The advanced system impressed Chinese viewers with its convenience and efficiency in both parking and retrieval processes.
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