D12D and D12C are best Volvo engines, but I'd prefere Celect plus. Cheaper parts, easier to purchase, any truck shop will help me
Discussion in 'Trucks [ Eighteen Wheelers ]' started by reddemon71, Feb 20, 2008.
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I concidser celect plus one of the best ECMs, it is not so reliable like CAT, but it is easy to disassebly to fix.
Celect plus is a good engine. Cummins ISX with HPI is good if it is E3 version w/o EGR and other emission stuff. Newer EPA 2010/Euro-V ISX with EGR and SCR is too expencive toy. Disadvantages of all this emission thingis are well known! -
Can you repair them if it fails again? -
sometimes they are repareble, sometimes not. Everething depend on internal damage.
are bad ECMs not trashed now?
What truck is this N14 is installed? is it J1939 controlled (with VECU)? -
long story short - it is caused with damaged C/C wires in cabinne, if you change ECM and keep wiring as is, new ECM fails later. It is an issue of COE application, and driving on bad roads. Check cab-chassis wiring.
Check your egr valves. My egr valves went bad and I was only getting about 5.5 to 5.8 loaded. Use to get arount 8 mpg before they died. But you will crap Your self when you see each egr valve runs about $1200.00 per egr and that's not including labor to change them out.
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