Walmart here I come 2.0

Discussion in 'Wal-Mart' started by truckdriver31, Aug 21, 2018.

  1. Coover

    Coover Road Train Member

    Dec 9, 2016
    Thats BS on corporate part. Seems they never learn their lesson and to promote equality and every other social justice warrior BS only to segregate us. I agree I have no loyalty only my family best interest and welfare at mind. If you don't look out for yourself, what makes you think someone else will?
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  3. The Gryphon

    The Gryphon Heavy Load Member

    Nov 3, 2011
    Just listened to FC's latest BS where he basically said "we weren't wrong, but we're giving you another $0.04/mile anyway".

    That guy has ZERO credibility with me and IMO sounds like a car salesman trying to talk me into getting the "undercoat and rust inhibitor package".

    I would rather not hear anything else from him if all he's going to do is try to BS and talk to us as if we're stupid.

    He can try to justify their screw up all he wants, but until they do the right thing and give everyone else the additional $0.034/mile, there's really nothing thing he has to say that I want to hear.

    But that's just me.
  4. Coover

    Coover Road Train Member

    Dec 9, 2016
    Depending on where you live certain rust undercoat are actually worth it, and make sense. Unlike the verbal diarrhea he is spouting off. Reminds me of a Southpark episode where certain people are so smug they enjoy sniffing their own flatulence.

    Attached Files:

  5. 9691Guido

    9691Guido Light Load Member

    Feb 13, 2018
  6. mxpx148

    mxpx148 Road Train Member

    Oct 2, 2013
    NEPA, PA
  7. truckdriver31

    truckdriver31 Road Train Member

    Sep 18, 2013
    Ups does it. It wont be any street hires. Just dc workers first, then maybe one day store folks
    JoeyJunk and laaylor Thank this.
  8. The Gryphon

    The Gryphon Heavy Load Member

    Nov 3, 2011
    Yeah but UPS is just primarily feeder drivers now. They sold UPS Freight to the parent company of CFI.

    And Walmart is hiring drivers with only 2.5 years experience off the street everyday. Most of those drivers wouldn't have been hired 5 years ago because they wouldn't have been able to pass the PreTrip, Backing and Driving tests.

    The acceptance rates have gone from <5% to 80%+. And management thinks that's a great thing.

    Old PreTrip Test: You miss something and they say "Thanks for trying. Go home and try again in a year."

    New PreTrip Test: Here's a study guide and we'll train you for 3 days before you test. If you miss a couple of things, no biggie, you can try again.

    Old Backing Test: You bump an adjacent trailer and "Thanks for trying. Go home and try again in a year."

    New Backing Test: Let's practice for 3 days before the test. Oh, you bumped a trailer, no biggie, let's practice some more, then try again.

    Old Driving Test: You hit a curb, so "Thanks for trying. Go home and come back in a year."

    New Driving Test: Let's practice for a few days before we test. During the test, you hit a curb, no biggie, let's work on not doing that and we'll try again later.

    This is "progress"? I think not.

    It's like if I wanted to be a Navy SEAL and I worked out and trained hard to be able to swim 2 miles in the allotted time. And I did it! All my hard work paid off and I got the SEAL Trident! Then 5 years later, they started letting guys in that can't even swim, saying "Don't worry, we'll teach you how to swim and get you up to the standard before we test you."

    When we were "The SEALs", the BEST people were lined up trying to get in. Now that we're just "The Navy", we have to run radio ads and screw over our veteran drivers paywise just to hire average, or even below average, people.

    When your standards are high and only the BEST can make it, you don't have to advertise, the BEST come to you. But when you hire average and below average people, you have to advertise because you're competing with all the other AVERAGE organizations for average people.

    That's not progress, that's decline. And that decline reflects on EVERY single one of us.

    I've never worked for an organization that employs so many people, but knows so little about human nature and motivation.

    So, thanks Walmart for turning what I thought was an organization that I could be proud of having joined, and a career that I was planning to retire from, into just another job. And thanks for showing those who have been in the organization awhile that they're really just another butt in a seat.
  9. Coover

    Coover Road Train Member

    Dec 9, 2016
    Well said, and on another note.... if you're a great value driver with 8 years+ with the company these new hires are making more than you..... # equality
  10. truckdriver31

    truckdriver31 Road Train Member

    Sep 18, 2013
    Lol. Plus they get sign on and gift bags.
    Coover Thanks this.
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