Walmart here I come 2.0

Discussion in 'Wal-Mart' started by truckdriver31, Aug 21, 2018.

  1. mxpx148

    mxpx148 Road Train Member

    Oct 2, 2013
    NEPA, PA
    What did you do?
    truckdriver31 Thanks this.
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  3. jtaran06

    jtaran06 Road Train Member

    Dec 23, 2007
    western ky

    Yeah you’re right. Walmart too much work and you’re gone all week. Ain’t got time for that
    truckdriver31 Thanks this.
  4. 9691Guido

    9691Guido Light Load Member

    Feb 13, 2018
    You hold a giant grudge, how can you be home everyday, work 4 on and be off 3 and still make the same money as working for Walmart? It doesn't add up. Tell us the name of your employer so we can believe you.
    truckdriver31 Thanks this.
  5. Coover

    Coover Road Train Member

    Dec 9, 2016
    Realistically what does it matter. Wasnt a fit for him or walmart. He found another job.
    One thing I will say is when he was hired on, he was hired on at the DC went through the old process, met with a drivers committee, interviewed with gtm, HRM, and passed everything regarding safety drive test, pre trip etc in one shot. One mistake thank you have a nice day better luck next year.
    The old hiring system weeded out steering wheel holders and soupa twucka's. You weren't provided all the answers and week long training to pass. You actually had to posses the skills.
    laaylor, 9691Guido, drvrtech77 and 2 others Thank this.
  6. Coover

    Coover Road Train Member

    Dec 9, 2016
    Well.... atleast the bunghole's won
    truckdriver31 Thanks this.
  7. drvrtech77

    drvrtech77 Road Train Member

    Mar 20, 2010
    Walmart isn’t the same for sure.. and for anyone that sits there and thinks that they only hire the best drivers out here you’re sadly mistaken because I’ve run across many company Walmart trucks that drive like absolute crap something you never used to see in the past… I have company Walmart trucks cut me off etc. among other things… Had a Walmart driver the other day out of Grantsville Utah obviously didn’t like the idea that I was passing him on a hill going up 84 towards Idaho shaking his head in disbelief because I was going around him obviously…. I couldn’t help but laugh..

    it’s a shame what has happened over there..also you never ever saw them advertising for drivers whatsoever in the past either like they do now..
    48Packard, 9691Guido, jfred74 and 6 others Thank this.
  8. 9691Guido

    9691Guido Light Load Member

    Feb 13, 2018
    You are right, maybe not all DC's are as great as mine.
    truckdriver31 Thanks this.
  9. Coover

    Coover Road Train Member

    Dec 9, 2016
    This is true more now than ever. Can't hire or keep anybody worth a **** up in the Bermuda triangle. Seems more efficient for the eastern strategic missle command center (formerly the ROC) to ship us dumb rednecks from down south up 700+miles to cover their loads that they miss for 1 day then ship another 700+miles back down

    Also while paying us less because in corporate eyes we are not worth as much as them.
    Go figure
    truckdriver31 and 9691Guido Thank this.
  10. Mansimmers

    Mansimmers Bobtail Member

    Mar 19, 2023
    I will be going to Red Bluff for onboarding.
    Can I bring my wife with me at the hotel?
    Thank you
    dwells40 Thanks this.
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