Walmart here I come!

Discussion in 'Wal-Mart' started by drozzer69, May 4, 2013.

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  1. Sky High

    Sky High Bobtail Member

    Jul 26, 2017
    My decision has been made. I will make the best of this and change my family lives for the better... 100k a year for Texas drivers??? No brainer. See ya Shaw.. Hello Wal-Mart.
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  3. creeder86

    creeder86 Bobtail Member

    Jul 23, 2015
    Petersburg, VA
    It's amazing how it's always the same people on here with their speculations, rumors, whining and complaining. I remember not too long ago the rumors about Walmart getting rid of the programs. Not long after that, my dc starts up three new 5/2 5/3 teams. Then we get the fleet message and some people automatically speculate that Walmart is getting rid of the private fleet. Really? Obviously changes will be made, but this fleet isn't going anywhere. We have 9 different locations hiring drivers right now. My home dc, 6023, is currently working on getting the driver pool up to 200 drivers and has bought over 40 new tractors this year. Doesn't look to me like their planning on getting rid of the private fleet. As far as the drivers always whining and complaining about what Walmart isn't giving them, let's try to remember what we are getting. We're all making 85-100k per year, 401k, stock purchase program, 25 paid days off in the first year, great safety bonuses every quarter, and up to date and well maintained equipment to drive everyday. If you can find a job that gives you that or more, than by all means, jump on that opportunity. But nobody is holding any of you complainers here. The same drivers that are complaining and speculating now will still be here 2-3 years from now and will still be complaining and speculating.
    drozzer69, WallyWife, mike3fan and 8 others Thank this.
  4. truckdriver31

    truckdriver31 Road Train Member

    Sep 18, 2013
    well put
  5. gregsmith67

    gregsmith67 Bobtail Member

    Dec 8, 2007
    Grottoes, Va
    I agree with Creeder......At my DC 7045 on the other side of Virginia we are also adding drivers as well as supplying new stores. New trucks are also arriving continuously and our outlook is positive. I'm living the dream and love how I'm treated here so if others aren't happy that's their thing as for me it's the best job I've had!
  6. Nameless One

    Nameless One Light Load Member

    Jun 16, 2015
    Good decision. You'll like it here. Don't listen to the speculators and complainers. I delivered to that Ohio st Walmart a few weeks ago. Small World
  7. Nameless One

    Nameless One Light Load Member

    Jun 16, 2015
    Ha! Why do complain so much about this place and tell others this fleet is going away when you don't even know all the policies? You haven't even been here longer than six months and your the second worse complainer here behind BackIsSore. At least he's been here a couple years. No wonder you have high blood pressure! Jeez!!!
  8. BackIsSore

    BackIsSore Road Train Member

    Oct 18, 2008
    Not sure why anyone wouldn't be a little discouraged with the messages Bentonville has been putting out on the OBC. I've listened to the last one a few times and it definitely didn't tell us we're doing a good job and they're proud to pay us what we're worth. Those of us who've been in the industry long enough know what those messages mean.

    I'm sticking by what I say, if you have a good job do not leave it for this place at the moment. I listened to all the stuff about how great this place was for years over the internet. It was fine the first year, but lately this year so much has changed at a much faster pace than what senior drivers are use to. And yes, we have been told often by messages from Bentonville on the OBC we cost too much. Those are not words for good job boys.
    drvrtech77, Chewey2, Markham27 and 3 others Thank this.
  9. Nameless One

    Nameless One Light Load Member

    Jun 16, 2015
    And with that being said, I'm outta here too. To much silly childish bs on this thread now. Everyone take care and remember no matter where your at there will always be the guy who complains too much eating lunch with his friend that speculates too much.
    kebo072, drozzer69, WallyWife and 2 others Thank this.
  10. BackIsSore

    BackIsSore Road Train Member

    Oct 18, 2008
    Bye Felicia. You must not even work here or have trouble getting the multi media messages to play in your truck.
    Sky High Thanks this.
  11. Puppuller 57

    Puppuller 57 Light Load Member

    Mar 1, 2015
    The blue blooded Kool-aid drinkers will always tell you that. How hard would it be to get your current job back if you would go to Wal-Mart? I have seen this before with what's going on with the private fleet. It's just a matter of time before it's history. It's not just drivers unhappy. I was talking to a cashier at a store yesterday who has over 11 years with Wal-Mart and she's ready to quit, and it goes on and on.She also told me all Wal-Mart's after September 20 will no longer price match other stores. Live within your means and what you currently earn will be enough. Plus you will be with your family.
    Sky High Thanks this.
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