Walmart Onboarding Assessments

Discussion in 'Wal-Mart' started by ConsciousTrucker, Feb 29, 2024.

  1. lual

    lual Road Train Member

    Oct 22, 2020
    SW Georgia
    :biggrin_2559: :biggrin_2559: :biggrin_2559:

    -- L
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  3. Texas_tea

    Texas_tea Bobtail Member

    Mar 27, 2023
    I just accepted an offer letter but reading this I’m a little concerned about giving notice to my current employer in case I don’t make the cut. Do you start orientation immediately after onboarding? I’m asking because some drivers advised me not to quit until I know I’ve passed.
    viper822004, ConsciousTrucker and FLHT Thank this.
  4. rollin coal

    rollin coal Road Train Member

    Mar 29, 2008
    They told you right, don't quit your job. If you don't make the cut at onboarding you can still fall back to your old job and try onboarding again in a few more months. Yeah, they are very flexible after you pass onboarding if you need a week or so to delay orientation so you can get your current job's truck back to their terminal and quit on good terms walmart is cool with that .
    viper822004 and ConsciousTrucker Thank this.
  5. ConsciousTrucker

    ConsciousTrucker Light Load Member

    Apr 16, 2020
    Do not quit your job!

    One of the guys who passed told Swift he had a family emergency and needed to be home for a week. They thought he was coming back tomorrow and even had a dispatch ready for him.

    The trainers didn't let him know he had passed until 5pm today. It was nerve-wracking AF. If he was gonna make the cut, he needed to know so he could resign asap. But the earliest he could tell them he isn't coming to work tomorrow, or ever, was 5pm today.

    You can absolutely make the cut if you put in the work. But it doesn't mean you will. Find a way to get a week off work without quitting first.
  6. Driver Success

    Driver Success Bobtail Member

    Jul 22, 2019
    How long did it take for Walmart to respond to your application and where exactly in Garland was the onboarding?
    viper822004 Thanks this.
  7. ConsciousTrucker

    ConsciousTrucker Light Load Member

    Apr 16, 2020
    It only took Walmart a day to call me. Having a driver referral on your application bumps you right to the top over anyone who doesn't have a referral. Walmart actually contacts the driver who referred you, to get the referrer's opinion before proceeding, and then calls the applicants for an interview. I had talked with a Walmart driver parked next to me at a shipper for about an hour before I decided to apply, and he gave them a glowing recommendation based on our conversation.

    On the other hand, my former trainer at another company has 20 years more driving experience than me and would be a shoe-in for Walmart. He didn't have a driver referral though, and after 6 weeks he still hadn't heard back from them. Now he's got his nose out of joint about it and doesn't want to reapply with a referral on his application. For the extra 15 PTO days at twice the rate, plus the $35k a year more he could be making than his current pay, for about the same or slightly less work than he's currently doing, I think it's silly that he won't just reapply with a referral -- but that's his choice.

    There's a training center in Garland where everyone in Region 2 is sent for onboarding -- and for any remedial training after an accident or incident, etc. once hired. It's just 4 days of onboarding there. Three of those days are just tests. They had a really great team of facilitators and trainers who were much kinder and more supportive that I'd expected.
    viper822004 Thanks this.
  8. Driver Success

    Driver Success Bobtail Member

    Jul 22, 2019
    I guess he likes it where he is.

    I did put in someone for referral but it has been more than two weeks since I applied so I’m not sure what that means. On the website it just says something like application under review.

    Will see if I hear back from them this week. I was excited to hear back from them in the first week but now the excitement has gone because I’m thinking maybe the positions were filled
    ConsciousTrucker Thanks this.
  9. ConsciousTrucker

    ConsciousTrucker Light Load Member

    Apr 16, 2020
    A lot of our drivers were not hired the first time they applied. This has evolved over the years, and it is easier to get in now than it has ever been before -- but before, you had to have at least 2 million accident-free miles, run a gauntlet with 100% accuracy, and pass the Good Ol' Boy test. In recent years, they've gotten much fairer and more accessible for new hires.

    A lot of it will depend on which DC you apply for, and what its needs are. If you apply to one of the stores with the $10k bonus, you'll almost certainly get a call back, as long as your application meets all the required qualifications. If not, then it's a question of how many people applied for that position before you.

    Once the job opening is posted, it's a first-come, first-serve basis. Part of making things "fair" in recent years means as long as you are qualified, they call you back based on the order your application was received. They're not choosing a 20 year driver over a 3 year driver, if the 3 year driver got the application in first and there was only one opening. As long as they both meet the minimum qualifications, they have an equal shot based on who applied for the position first.

    So keep an eye on those job openings. If you see one that was just posted today or yesterday where you want to work, apply for that one.
  10. rollin coal

    rollin coal Road Train Member

    Mar 29, 2008
    Be patient and wait. I had a referral on my application and didn't hear anything after submitting it for a whole month. Some people I know of it was longer than that. They'll get to you if the spot's still there and you meet the minimum qualifications.
    ConsciousTrucker Thanks this.
  11. WalmartOrBust

    WalmartOrBust Bobtail Member

    Jul 6, 2024
    Hey all I’m scheduled to go to Onboarding on July 22nd at Garland, and I’m just wondering how the driving portion of the test works. How long is the route, tight turns, etc?
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