Still around?
You should be a person who could give a fair comparison between the Paccar MX and the Cummins ISX engines.
Which do you see the most warranty work for?
What are some of the common failures of each engine other than emissions related?
If I understand correctly the ISX was improved greatly from the cm2250 to the cm2350. Any comments?
If there was such an improvement to the Paccar engines, which year?
These are answers that would help anyone looking to purchase a truck greatly.
Warranty Answers
Discussion in 'Peterbilt Forum' started by Belials, Jun 10, 2014.
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Here's my answers, as best as I can
Which do you see the most warranty work for?: Cummins, but I would say this is likely because there are far more Cummins engines in use than Paccar. I also much prefer to do warranty work on a Cummins engine because the overall process for a warranty manager is easier. This isn't to say that Cummins engines are down more, but I think it's because more companies / drivers run Cummins.
What are some of the common failures of each engine other than emissions related?: Turbos fail on both. Fuel pump heads fail on Cummins so frequently lately that they've published an official bulletin for requesting policy on it. This one is big because the ceramic would break apart and go through the system. If that happens you're going to be wanting the rods dropped to inspect for damage. I've seen several $7,000+ bills as a result. The fuel unit injectors were failing on the MXs so much that they pushed a campaign for them to replace them prior to them failing. On the emission side, they both have the same issues, SCR/DOC/DPF failures.
If I understand correctly the ISX was improved greatly from the cm2250 to the cm2350. Any comments?: Sorry, unfortunately I can't comment on that. I don't see very many CM2350 and my knowledge of them is pretty limited. My knowledge is primarily in the warranty area, and less technical.
If there was such an improvement to the Paccar engines, which year?: I'm not sure there was a year, but I'd say the engine has been steadily improving since its release. I've seen some trucks that come in to the shop constantly and I've seen some that are never down. However I've also seen the campaigns, recalls and bulletins that the engine has gone through as it's aged. I think a lot of the early problems have been sorted out, but there are still bound to be some until they get everything 100% figured out.
Along those same lines, I can tell you that when it comes to asking Peterbilt / Paccar for policy assistance on a MX failure versus asking Cummins for policy assistance...Peterbilt & Paccar tend to be more forgiving and offer more, while making you jump through less hoops. The Pete/Paccar side is up to the district service representatives for that dealership, whereas the Cummins side goes to the local distributor, and they have different "Tiers" of policy assistance, with restrictions (time / mileage) on assistance. If the failure is somehow maintenance related, it's an automatic rejection unless you have approval of a Tier 3 rep. There's a lot more hoops involved.
They're both good engines, really it's just a matter of what one is going to offer you, if there's enough dealerships with Paccar techs in your route area. I've heard people complain about that. At my dealership, we have more than enough, and most should. If your route has a lot of certified techs, and you're getting what you want out of the engine (specs, etc), a MX may be for you.
The MX13-11 is also right around the corner, so that might be something of interest for people. January 2016 for availability.QUALITYTRUCK Thanks this. -
Well, I have to apologize as well. For some reason my notifications didn't work for this thread either. I do appreciate your comments very much. I'm truck shopping now and just trying to arm myself with as much knowledge as possible. I may or may not buy an emissions truck. Haven't made that decision yet.
Thanks for your imput. Your position allows more insight into this sort of thing than most of us could ever imagine. -
Not a problem at all. Good luck with your truck shopping, if there are any other warranty questions you have feel free to let me know. I'll answer them to the best of my ability.
secorp Thanks this. -
What is the warranty on paint issues, specifically paint blistering and flaking off on a 2014?
I have a 389 and the paint is bubbling on cab doors and around the lower door rivets. The problem is especially bad on the lower exhaust mounts where they attach to the cab.
The truck is washed weekly and hand waxed monthly.KB3MMX Thanks this. -
Paint warranty is a bit of an oddball, it depends on the location and the color, as well as the vocation.
Cab, hood & sleeper paint - 12 months / 100,000 miles
Frame paint, black only - 12 months / 100,000 miles
Frame paint, all colors other than black - 6 months / 50,000 miles
Frame paint, logger, mixer, dump, refuse, oil field or construction application - 3 month / 25,000 miles
If you fall within those parameters, you really need to take your truck to your dealership to have them look at the pain in question. Not all paint issues are warrantable and they'll be able to look at it and tell you if they can help out. -
Ok thank you.
Hello Belials,
Thank you for providing us with your knowledge and support. I bought a Pete 389 brand new in 2015 and ever since the truck was new there was a vibration in the clutch pedal and the transmission would shake into neutral if you hit a bump in high range. Sales rep came down and acknowledged he could feel the problem in the clutch. We were very busy with the truck at the time and sent it up about 3 months later to get fixed at the dealer for the warranty work. However, we feel that the issue has something to do with the clutch and/or transmission. When it went to the dealer they took one of the rear ends apart and found something loose in there and claimed that was the vibration we were feeling. However, you can feel this vibration in the clutch pedal when the truck is parked and running, so I know its not in the the rear end. I am still having this problem and the clutch pedal is getting very stiff to step. I am now having a couple other electrical problems with the truck and I am coming up on the 1 year warranty mark and would like to send it back to the dealership to have everything fixed before I'm paying out of pocket. I was wondering if you heard of any of these transmission/clutch problems and if so, how do I convey my message to the dealership that I need warranty work done in that area when it seems like they don't want to drop the transmission. The salesman I bought it from was very helpful and I would like to take the truck to the dealer I bought it from. I feel I would get less help trying to get a problem like this fixed at any other dealer if you know what I mean.KB3MMX Thanks this. -
Glad I checked this to see if someone had posted. I have had people come in with vibration issues. They can be different causes.
What are the electrical problems you are having?
If you're having a vibration issue, your transmission and clutch warranty should last longer than your truck warranty, assuming you haven't purchased extended coverage. However that only assumes that the problem actually lies with the transmission/clutch. Eaton transmission / clutch warranty can be 5 years or longer. However you want to get that in there ASAP because if it is determined that the issue is on the chassis side, you want them in prior to the end of the warranty.
Let your dealership know your concerns. I'm not sure how many trucks you buy from there, or how many parts you buy from there. If you're a one time customer or you do a lot of business there. I know it's bad to say, but bigger customers get better treatment, because bigger customers keep us alive. That's not to say that all dealerships are going to ignore your concerns just because you're a 1 time truck purchaser, but it IS a possibility. At my dealership, we own our sales. Doesn't matter if you bought 60 or 1 truck, you bought it from us and it's our responsibility.
But, if they're not hearing your concerns, don't be afraid to take it elsewhere. Keep in mind the only one who will get burned in the end is yourself. Dealerships don't make any money on warranty - more often than not, we lose money (quite a bit). Transmission replacements might pay us 7 hours of labor, but it took us 23 hours to do the job. Some dealerships might be hesitant to pull the trans as a result if they know they can't bill you for the remainder.
But remember, its your truck and your warranty. If they aren't helping you, go elsewhere. You shouldn't have to pay for the repair at all assuming you haven't done anything outside of the warranty parameters.
Let me know what type of electrical problems you're having as well, please.rocky34 and daf105paccar Thank this. -
Thank you for the response that is very helpful. We bought this truck from this particular dealer because we have bought some trailers from them in the past and they were good people to deal with. They became a Pete dealer maybe 2-3 years ago, so they are fairly new at repairing the Pete's especially when it comes to warranty work. This may be part of my issue. Good news is I just scheduled an appointment today to send it up there soon, so I'm hoping they'll hear me out on all my problems this time.
As far as the electrical problems, I have a few different things. On the dash, I have had drivers tell me (and I have seen it myself), Engine software error, HDLP fault, and something else regarding the dosing unit for the DEF, maybe it was dosing unit error or malfunction, something like that. I know the HDLP fault has something to do with the headlights because the the passenger side headlight does not work. I don't know what the exact cause is, whether its the bulb, a loose wire, broken, etc. Also, in the rear of the truck, I am having a problem with he license plate light and reverse alarm. The license plate light lasts for about two months before burning out, I've gone through 5 lights in the past year. Also, the reverse alarm will sometimes work and sound very loud, sometimes it's very faint to the point you can barely hear it, and sometimes it just does not work at all. This was already replaced once when it was at the dealer the first time.
When I get the truck to the dealership, I will let them know all this so it will at least be documented. I hope this time all my issues can be addressed before the problems get too out of hand because the truck still is very nice and we like to keep our equipment a long time. We also do all of our own maintenance and take pride in our equipment and it shows when people see it because we have some very old equipment and some new equipment.
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