Watkins Shepard Safety Interview/HPE EXPLAINED!

Discussion in 'Watkins & Shepard' started by American-Trucker, Sep 17, 2010.

  1. American-Trucker

    American-Trucker Road Train Member

    Nov 8, 2009
    Charlotte, North Carolina
    OK so I just went through the Safety Interview and the HPE with Watkins Shepard and want to explain Exactly what it is. I know there are allot of people on here reading about W/S and asking about the HPE, I was one of them so I'll outline Exactly what your going to do.

    So after you do you Application and verification with the recruiters/processors, You WILL receive a call from someone in the Safety Department calling to do your Safety Interview. No need to worry AT ALL all it is, is they ask you about your medical history.....EXAMPLE- Have you ever sustained an injury at Work? if yes DO you have any residual Effects from the Injury? stuff like that real easy DON'T LIE "Remember everything is in your medical records.

    Then they will tell you when and where to go to do your HPE! What your going to do is a Drug Screen and the HPE at this appointment (There is NO DOT Physical because you should already have one from school or on your own)

    So first thing your going to do is pee in a cup! Real hard right? lol

    Then your going to have to stand up and:

    1. Lift your arms straight up over your head
    2. Hold your arms straight out (side to side)
    3. Tilt your head forward (chin to chest)
    4. Tilt head back
    5. Tilt head side to side
    6. Bend over at the waist like your trying to touch your toes
    7. Then Stand on ONE foot for 15 Seconds, then change feet and do it again.

    1. You hold a 10lb weight and squat and then stand up 15 Times
    2. Squat and Lift a 40lb box from the floor and place it on a shoulder height shelf and back on the floor 3 Times
    3. Squat and Lift a 60lb box from the floor and carry it around the room (at least 53') and place it back on the floor
    4. Squat and Lift a 70lb box from the floor and place it on a waist high shelf 3 Times

    1. Your going to step up on a Ladder 3 Times (The Second rung as its about the same height as a DOT bumper) So one step up onto the second rung and then back to the floor 3 Times.
    2. Stand in front of the ladder and reach through the ladder with one hand and pull it back out and continue doing this for 3 MIN
    3. Bend over like your touching your toes and stand back up, continue doing this over and over for 3 MIN
    4. Walk on a Treadmill for 5 MIN
    5. Squat on the floor WITHOUT touching the floor for 3 MIN
    6. Push a "sled" with some weight on it 20 feet, then pull it back wards 20 feet. Do this 2 Times. It's simulating pushing and pulling a pallet jack.
    7. Crawl on your hands and knees across a mat like 10 feet
    8. Then Last but not least sit and LEAN back with your right arm behind you and hold that position for 3 MIN
    Thats all there is to it. I'm 21 years old, 5' 7" and all of 115lbs, and I didn't struggle at all. So unless your WAY overweight you should do just fine and have NOTHING to worry about.

    I don't know if I passed Yet they said that they send the results to Watkins Shepard and They let you know if you passed!

    American Trucker
    Last edited: Sep 17, 2010
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  3. wulfman75

    wulfman75 Road Train Member

    Jul 15, 2010
    Athens, GA
    I'm way over weight and could do all that in my sleep. Though that's probably not a good idea. :biggrin_25525:

    Hardest part about that is peeing in a cup. Hey some of us can't go on command! :biggrin_25523:
    American-Trucker and Wedge Thank this.
  4. Wedge

    Wedge Road Train Member

    Jun 20, 2010
    Griffin, Georgia
    I practiced the W/S HPE. I used my dog as a sample weight (she likes going for rides, but she didn't like being put up on a shelf :biggrin_25513:).

    I hope you pass, because that means I would pass. :biggrin_255:

    Let us know how you did when you find out.
    American-Trucker Thanks this.
  5. gdyupgal

    gdyupgal Medium Load Member

    Aug 21, 2010
    Montana/Watford City,ND

    Poor Dog think "Whats up with the shelf"..:biggrin_2559:..you'll pass..I hate that we let our nerves get the best of us and then we knock down our confidence..I always think I'm the most confident person til I have to try something new..:biggrin_2559:..but it kinda keeps our egos in check and grounded..if we felt we could do everything then there would be no sence in learning..I can't wait to here about your ventures..:yes2557:
  6. BNR32

    BNR32 Heavy Load Member

    Aug 20, 2010
    denver, CO
    i just looked at the paper the were filling out so i knew i passed.
    Wedge Thanks this.
  7. American-Trucker

    American-Trucker Road Train Member

    Nov 8, 2009
    Charlotte, North Carolina

    woo hoo Watkins Shepard Here I come! September 27th my dream comes true!

    American Trucker
    sammycat and Wedge Thank this.
  8. banjer picker

    banjer picker Light Load Member

    Jun 4, 2010
    Congrats on passin!

    Nothin about blood pressure or heart rate? :smt017

  9. American-Trucker

    American-Trucker Road Train Member

    Nov 8, 2009
    Charlotte, North Carolina

    Thanks, and they do check your heart rate and Blood Pressure before you begin as well as your height and weight but other then that no. I thought the whole point of this test was to monitor your heart rate as well as see your physical limitations, I guess I was wrong lol.

    American Trucker
  10. Wedge

    Wedge Road Train Member

    Jun 20, 2010
    Griffin, Georgia
    I needed a weighted object real quick and the dog was available (practicing the HPE). She was brave. I never let her go and she got a tummy rub as a reward.

    My documented adventure is forth coming.:biggrin_255:
    American-Trucker Thanks this.
  11. Wedge

    Wedge Road Train Member

    Jun 20, 2010
    Griffin, Georgia
    If your BP was high to begin with, they might have checked you again at some point during your testing.

    They did test your limits. You performed so well they had no reason to be concerned.

    Well done!

    Everybody, give it up for....
    American Trucker! :smt023:occasion9::occasion7::headbang:
    American-Trucker Thanks this.
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