with my home state ccw permit I can carry in 38 states
and if Mikes Law passes cdl holds with permits will have National Right-to-Carry Reciprocity
Weapon Policy
Discussion in 'Maverick' started by wspeel8, Feb 11, 2016.
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Last edited: Feb 12, 2016
oldtrucker66 and flood Thank this. -
I have an LTC in Texas also, and I always carried when I was OTR. Only place I was searched regularly was the I35 border checkpoint north of Laredo, dogs are trained to alert on gunpowder as well. I tried to follow the laws, actually ran my 1911 with 9 round magazines to keep it legal in California. Chance of getting arrested? Only if you use it, but chance of getting convicted is nearly zero. I've had officers and attorneys tell me "That truck is your house, and the 2nd amendment protects your right to possess a weapon". Most weapon charges are accessory charges, they are meant to magnify other criminal offenses. You rob a store with an illegal firearm, you just earned 2 felonies rather than 1. Most DA's wouldn't touch a case where the firearm's only purpose is to protect you from imminent bodily harm. I'd rather pay 10k for a constitutional attorney, than bleed out in a parking lot from a crackhead stabbing me for my wallet.
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