wel companies

Discussion in 'Motor Carrier Questions - The Inside Scoop' started by wwfd1220, Mar 26, 2009.

  1. Loanerdude

    Loanerdude Light Load Member

    Aug 15, 2015
    I talked to WEL years ago , what immediately turned me away
    was the girl , after asking me a few simple questions wanted to hire me
    on the spot , she came off as desperate and almost begging .
    Red flag from day one . They have a yard 10 miles from my house
    which would have made things nice but what can you do.
    The driver pool is diminishing rapidly and its becoming easier and easier
    to walk right into a trap with a lot of these outfits.
    dragginmaster Thanks this.
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  3. FOSUN

    FOSUN Bobtail Member

    Apr 2, 2016
    So basically in 2016 WEL is a decent company to work for ?

    SAPPHIREGIRL101 Bobtail Member

    Dec 28, 2017
    I was just here for orientation but left due to their truck policy. If you live near a terminal this could be a good option for you, but if you don't, you will basically be signing a paper that makes you responsible for anything that happens to the truck even if it isn't your fault (when the truck is at your house). It's not a thing I'm willing to sign. They kept telling me "what it meant" and kept trying to tell them legally what it meant. They had a lawyer write this so I'm sure it is crafted with this wording for a specific reason. One of the lesser office people told me that she saw what I was saying and "maybe this sentence can be removed", yet I was given the ultimatum of sign it or no employment the next day so guess what happened...correct I took transportation back home far away from WEL companies.
    They seemed they "could" be nice. The president called to greet us upon arrival at the hotel and the owner took us out to eat the second day of orientation. They have manuals and don't care if you float gears. I just see MAJOR problems if you sign a truck policy such as what they have. I know legal matters and know what this entails should they decide to enforce it.
  5. Mattaponi Guard

    Mattaponi Guard Medium Load Member

    Oct 28, 2009
    Smart. They are all looking for a way to have the driver pay for the truck.
    bbechtel16 Thanks this.
  6. Ronwest

    Ronwest Bobtail Member

    Mar 7, 2019
    My name is Ron, I have a class a cdl, I currently work as a spotter at jbs, I was wondering do wel hire people with no otr experience, and would they train me, I had my cdl for 14 years.
  7. Upinsmoke

    Upinsmoke Medium Load Member

    Feb 26, 2019
    Thread is 9 years old.
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