Went to England

Discussion in 'CR England' started by ed28560, Jun 2, 2009.

  1. halfburn

    halfburn Medium Load Member

    Feb 22, 2009
    Jasper AL
    I'm subscribed.:biggrin_25516: Sitting at the crossing watching the train coming and the lights are not flashing yet.
    Unless... it's a recruiter telling the story then it might have a happy ending.
    Last edited: Jun 29, 2009
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  3. harleyg

    harleyg Light Load Member

    Apr 17, 2009
    Want to reply and ask if you would keep a update of your training from time to time.. Thnking of cr myself would like to hear some positive for a change. Ps i would really appreciate some feed back thnx
  4. ed28560

    ed28560 Bobtail Member

    Apr 29, 2009
    New Bern, NC
    Wow. I wouldn't have thought anyone would raise such an issue since it's really not that difficult to figure out. But since an explaination seems to be required, here it goes.

    Though I had no experience, I did go to the school here at England - which means I did have a general knowledge and a few basic skills to draw upon. Some of us do have the capacity to draw upon those basic skills and expand them by trial and error. Yes! Even without the direct instructional input of a "trainer." That, too, is considered "learning." Many of us learn a lot of different things in life by just getting out there and doing it. May not be the best way to do it, but we get there however we can.

    I will clear up one legitimate issue that was mentioned. Someone mentioned that at least it was the trainer and not the company who promoted log violations. I'll back this up. England will hook your ### up in a heartbeat for log violations. They watch it closely. They are also very safety conscious. You have to figure that out of thousands of employees (which doesn't even cover all the IC's) and all the trainers they have, not all of them are going to be responsible/accountable/competant. So England did make sure we all knew that if we got a trainer who we were uncomfortable with for any reason,then we had every right to drop them and get another. It was also made clear the expectations of England versus the trainer, meaning that if the trainer asked us to do anything we considered illegal, unsafe or inappropriate then we had every right - and even responsibility- to refuse. We were also to report any such demands if they could not be resolved on a personal level.

    I didn't drop my trainer because I decided that it was only 30 days/15,000 miles and that it was not so unbearable as to risk delaying my training. If I dropped him, I may have gotten another trainer in a day or two or it may have been a week to ten days. I didn't want to risk prolonging my phase one. My goal here (immediate goal, anyway) is to get through training as quickly as possible and hopefully start making a decent living for my family back home. And, no, I didn't report him either, although I didn't exactly give the guy a glowing evaluation upon completing phase one.

    I also have to make clear here that, throughout phase one, many of us who went through school together have stayed in touch. There are others who are dissatisfied with their trainers (to various degrees) but there are at least as many who came back talking about having a good or even great experience. So I don't mean to imply at all that every England trainer is a fraud who just wants free miles.

    I just came back in from phase one yesterday morning and completed my upgrade this evening. I still have to say that England has carried through on what they've presented to me. I know that some folks have legitimate complaints with the company. But I also have to say that I seen alot of people come through here just looking for something to complain about. And then there are also those who are "unjustly" terminated. Take for example the lease operator that had his lease yanked today. Yeah, they actually terminated his lease after three months. All because he had ONLY (by his own admission) 8 late loads in the past 5 weeks. Surely England was out to screw him from the very beginning.
  5. mycorky

    mycorky Light Load Member

    Aug 31, 2006
    Hey...as you move on through the phases how long do you have to drive as a team driver? When can you go solo as a company driver? Are they still pushing the lease program yet?
  6. NYC_Trucker

    NYC_Trucker Bobtail Member

    Jan 5, 2009
    New York, NY
    I just got off the phone with an impatient and presumptuous female recuiter without a sense of humor at cr who said there was no minimum stay at england. All you had to do was pay off the $3000 debt.

    Is that accurate or a lie?

    I also heard rumors of cr england going all team with company drivers. Any input?
  7. Owner's Operator

    Owner's Operator Medium Load Member

    Aug 4, 2008
    Chicago IL
    I can tell you the latter is true, it's on their website.
    NYC_Trucker and dgarrett0008 Thank this.
  8. dgarrett0008

    dgarrett0008 Light Load Member

    Jun 18, 2009
    Riverdale, Georgia
    Personally think you have a great atitude towards the whole situation. Your'e mindset is the kind that all of us newbies should have. By not telling on him now he might be able to help you later. Never know:biggrin_25525:. I hope you are succesful in your new career move
  9. dgarrett0008

    dgarrett0008 Light Load Member

    Jun 18, 2009
    Riverdale, Georgia
    And please keep us posted, I will check back in a few days to see if things have changed.
  10. CREngland88

    CREngland88 Bobtail Member

    Jul 20, 2009
    Springfield, MO
    [FONT=comic sans ms,sans-serif]Hello,[/FONT]
    I have heard many good stories about C.R. England and then I have heard bad stories as well especially on here and other forums on the net. I was really considering leasing but with the economy the way it is I am really not sure because I want to make sure that I am getting a steady paycheck for my family. With all the bad stories mainly being about lease operators experiences I am pretty certain about being a company driver. I was originally very excited about this opportunity until I heard all the bad stories and then I started wandering if it was even smart to go to work for them but I have to to get my foot in the door for the trucking industry. I was hoping for alot more positive feedback on the company to offset the negative stories that I have been hearing. Anything would be appreciated. I was also wanting to know what the DOT Physical consists of? Please any feedback before I leave on next Saturday would be greatly appreciated especially Positive.
  11. Ledbetter

    Ledbetter Light Load Member

    Nov 25, 2006
    I would go in as a company driver with any outfit. You need to get at least 2 years under your belt to see how you like this lifestyle and how you perform your duties. One thing you don't want it more headaches to go along with what headaches you will get as a newbie.

    I've been out here almost 7 years and I'm still a company driver. I have many times thought of buying my own truck cause I do have the business sense to handle it but have breathed a sigh of relief every time I said "No" to myself when I see what O/O's are getting right now and that is plenty of headaches. The economy s*** right now and this is definately not the time to be a lease or owner op. Just my opinion.
    CREngland88 Thanks this.
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