Went to England
Discussion in 'CR England' started by ed28560, Jun 2, 2009.
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From some friends that work in the industry and an uncle of mine as well as a few people on here actually. I know they are few and far between but I was just hoping for a few more positives than negatives to balance it out and ease my anxiety about getting on with C.R. England in the first place. The way that I see it... I used to work for Walmart and tons and tons of people have had complaits out the wazoo about them and their employment practices. I am not saying that they are the best company but I actually enjoyed working for them overall and tried to keep a positive attitude while I did work there. I think that is why I lasted as long as I did there. But I do not believe everything the recruiters tell me either.
Thank you for your feedback
I also thank Ledbetter for his feedback as well and I plan on being a company driver to get some experience under my belt and then if I like the company I will stay... if not then I will get on with the company that my uncle drives for Crete Carriers where they arent all teams and lease ops..you can do solo there. -
If it was me I would go with your uncles co and save yourself the grief. You let CRE ding your DAC and you may never find a driving gig again.
I don't have much choice. I don't have my cdl and they offer a good truck driver school and finance it through your paycheck and Crete won't take you unless you are 22 years old and have at least 6 months experience and they dont have a school so this seems to be my only option to break into the trucking industry.
There is always choices. Just sometimes we don't want to wait on the right ones. Why go into something like CRE when they have a history of destroying peoples options in the near future? Very good chance that they are going to get you under the thumb. You might leave there owing a lot of money for your "free school" or even worse a failed lease that they got you in.
Heck I don't think much of prime, but they are in your hometown and would be much better than CRE. -
There are other companies that have cdl school. I got my cdl from a private school. When I looked at CR England they expected my to pay them almost $1000 to take me on as a driver to go with a trainer. That is ridiguloius.
I always was told that prime was much worse than cr england. Ive heard bad stories on both of them. And I dont think that Prime has a school and cr englands school isnt free persay..it still comes out of your paycheck
Ive already got my bus ticket for Hammond, Indiana on a Greyhound and the recruiter gave me a number to get a hold of the cr england shuttle to come get me there. I am not looking forward to that bus ride.
I don't think you can find a worse co than CRE...
Did you personally drive or know someone that drove for them? I am just curious what makes you come to your conclusion. I would like to know why you think they are the worse company out there? I am not defending them by any means but I am just curious why you hate them so much.
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