I have been doing this for a good while. I have talked with many drivers from there. I have been on trucking sites for several years. I was an admin at a trucking site. I have read countless posts just like yours. They usually go something like this.
I have read all the negative stuff, but I want to hear only positive things so don't post anything, but positive things. I am a hard worker I am sure I can make this work and it will be different for me. I have read all the bad, but people complain about everything; so I am sure it is not that bad.
Then there will be other newbies that will say you have to start somewhere. Seems like when people feel they are desperate to truck they key in on the things they want to hear. Might even be a poster or 2 in CRE's school posting how good things really are there. Soon one or 2 things happens. They post I should have listened or they got placed in the witness protection plan with a new ID.
No, I have never worked for them, but then again I have never shot myself in the foot and I know that hurts, but how do I know it hurts if I have never shot myself in the foot?
I wish you well. I really hope this works for you, but please keep us posted on how things work out for you. You will not be the first one to go there after researching CRE on the net.
What I hate about them is how they mislead newbies and paint that open road picture knowing all along what the outcome will be. It is a cycle that keeps on attracting new guys with the same story. LEASE TRAIN DRIVE= go broke go hungry fall off the radar...
Went to England
Discussion in 'CR England' started by ed28560, Jun 2, 2009.
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CRE has been a rotgut company for years! There are more horror stories about them than almost any other company. I had a good friend that drove for them as an experienced driver for a while and he was amazaed at the kind of stuff they would do. They charge you for things that make no sense they make every excuse in the world to not reimburse you or pay you for the work you do. This guy is one of the best people I've ever worked with, He is as honest as they come and has never to my knowledge done anything but a top class job. When he finally got tired of dealing with the lies, misc. charges for everything, and lack of home time he decided to give his notice and leave the company. He returned his truck to the SLC/West Valley terminal after having it detailed at his own expense and packed his stuff and went to work for someone else. About a week in to his new job he was approached by his D.M. and asked about the "problems" that he had when leaving CRE. He told the man how it went and that there wasn't a "problem" when he left.
Apparently CRE thought it was appropriate to put on his DAC that he was terminated for refusing loads and leaving his truck in "very poor condition"! They also claimed that he left owing the company money...NONE OF THIS EVER HAPPENED!
He is still at the company that he went to after he left CRE and has been there now for about 8 years or so. He has won a couple of performance awards and a safe driving award every year that he's been there.
He's not the only guy that has had this crap pulled on him by CRE, There are endless stories from many people that have been treated badly by these rotten underhanded thieves...He's just the only one that I know personally and would vouch for.notarps4me Thanks this. -
An "opportunity" is not what I would call it. Why would you rent a truck for $600+ dollars a week when you can buy one for around a grand a month? It makes zero sense. Don't forget YOU are responsible for maintiance, tires, etc. If they covered all that it would make some sense, not if you have to cover all that on a vehicle that is not yours.
If you go company with this outfit you realize that you have to team right? -
Yes I know that I will have to go team.. and if you read in earlier posts.. i had said I wasnt going to lease a truck off of england and I was going to stick to company teams..
Does anyone have anything positive to say about COMPANY TEAMS for CR England? -
Hellooooooo.....Is there anybody in there?
Look man, these guys are trying to tell you something. I can tell first hand how they are. They do suck......I used to drive(school) for them out of their Dallas school and went to the Indiana school too. I waited for three weeks before I was put with a trainer. I ended up getting a very good trainer who I would recommend, but I don't work for them now. I came home for a visit and they left me here saying I was off the truck for more than 30 days and that I would have to do it all over again. And they knew I was coming home and I PAID for it!! I got a buddy I met in school and I talked to him the other day and he said he finished the school and drove for a while solo, but he was only making $300-$400 a week. And the sad part is that I believe him, now he drives for someone else hauling tankers.
notarps4me Thanks this. -
You say you don't know about either company or lease, so maybe this will help. I leased right in the door with CRE. Honestly, I felt that I made a good decision because I got a lot of miles and some good money. I later found out that CRE will leave a lease-op sitting and give a load to a company. The reason? Company drivers are entitled to layover, lease-op is not. After my first month I started getting left everywhere. I never turned down a load, never ran a load late, and was never unavailable for a load. For 3 months I ran without going home, and I still had negative paychecks from paying for that truck. - Oh yes, don't forget that on top of paying $500-$600 a week for the truck, your fuel, maintenance, tires, and everything else, you will pay CR England for every mile you run that truck. I believe it starts at $0.14/mile. May have changed in the past year.
I believed when I started that I didn't have many options. Now that I've done it, I look back, and wish I had done what you are doing and got advice. CRE is not the only company out there that will train you. Look around at the opportunities that you have. I would advise going company no matter who you are with, but I don't recommend CR England.biggeno and notarps4me Thank this. -
I think that this person already has their mind made-up to go with CR England. They are perhaps wanting a positive remark so they can justify their decision. At the school I'm attending "NDT", there are two companies that have recruiting posters on the wall, CR England and Swift.
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