Werner compared to C.R. England

Discussion in 'Report A BAD Trucking Company Here' started by Sofia, Jul 21, 2012.

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  1. jimsreport

    jimsreport Bobtail Member

    Aug 4, 2012
    Werners taking out all APU's. Theyre putting an idle limit on and your idle will cut out in 10 minutes. They dont want to pay for the one or two gallons of diesel on idle time to heat your truck in winter or A/C in summer and without an APU you dont have no A/C or heat. For real. Driving for Werner and you wont get heat or A/C in your truck when you're stopped. They dont tell new drivers until they give them a truck.
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  3. pete1

    pete1 Heavy Load Member

    Are you serious?
    Thats the dumbest thing I've ever heard.
    If only people would stop going to work for scumbag companies like this....
  4. Zoltan1a

    Zoltan1a Road Train Member

    Mar 15, 2011
    Las Vegas, NV
    Why did you chose to do this extensive research on the them and how does it benefit you?
  5. Sofia

    Sofia Light Load Member

    Jul 21, 2012
    My idle cut out at 8 minutes. No A/C. No APU.
  6. ddavenge

    ddavenge Bobtail Member

    Aug 19, 2012
    You can tell you are a newer driver. Werner, along with many other companies follow the same guidelines. Dispatchers try to move freight, YOU the driver decide how, when, and rather you can get it there on time and safely. If you look at any company thoroughly, they all have the same standard, it is up to the DRIVER to decide what is safe, legal, and what they can do. Werner, nor any other company FORCES you to run illegal. Just because they give you the load, doesn't make YOU the driver do it. You tell me one company that doesn't try to move freight, and I will show you a company that is going to be closing business soon. Who makes the ultimate choice to run the truck? You the driver-point blink.
  7. Sofia

    Sofia Light Load Member

    Jul 21, 2012
    The common and corrupt business methods with Werner, C.R. England (and others) are, without a doubt, criminal. It's difficult to find an honest USA lawyer that understands law and the applicability of it; but there are some. Truck Drivers tend to be much more straight-forward and honest than lawyers. The solutions are not easy; however, the changes need to come from the drivers themselves.....not necessarily lawyers.

    The mentioned business methods are organized criminal strategies:
    1.) Avoiding rightful income to drivers in an effort to reduce labor costs.
    2.) Not providing the trucker with the right to drive a safe vehicle (to reduce truck repair costs and not authorizing truck repairs)
    3.) Requiring the trucker to drive in unsafe conditions for the purpose of corporate financial gain.
    4.) Fraudulent DAC or DOT reports to force legal responsibility on the driver when the trucking company has planned business methods that put their drivers at risk.

    Although, safety is disregarded by corrupt national trucking companies for the purpose of illegal corporate financial gain; everyone's safety is still most important. It doesn't change the fact, drivers legal rights and appropriate income are totally disregarded by Werner, C.R. England, etc.
  8. Bristol

    Bristol Light Load Member

    Dec 19, 2011
    I am a new driver looking for a job. One of the companies that is interested in me is Werner. Threads like this scare the ____ out of me because I am limited to companies that will hire a new driver. It seems Werner has the most negative comments on this website.
  9. pattyj

    pattyj Road Train Member

    Jul 19, 2008
    Sioux City,ia
    So are you with Werner and if so why if they're so bad? Back when I was there it was'nt bad otherwise I would'nt have stayed there 3 yrs.I see alot of Werners on the road and not one trk and/or traiiler looks unsafe.Communicationis the key to a happy dispatcher/driver relationship.You feel you don't have the hrs to pick up and/or deliver,you let your DM know immediately so they can find a swap or split the load.You feel your equipment is unsafe to drive well plain and simple,park the dam thing till it gets fixed.Werner would not let you drive unsafe out there if it's against DOT regulations.If you feel its unsafe but the DOT would let it go till you get to a shop then Werner will too.I don't know how Werner can have bad equipment,they have terminals everywhere and 99.9% of the time they red tg everything when you get to a term and have to go thru their safety lane.
    dayzedandconfuzed Thanks this.
  10. pattyj

    pattyj Road Train Member

    Jul 19, 2008
    Sioux City,ia
    You're not going to find the perfect company no matter how hard you look.It's all in YOU and how much you wanna succeed as a trk driver.Many don't succeed because things don't go their way.This business has no room for whiners and ppl that can't do the job.If you wanna be a trk driver then be one and throw all the negativeity out the window and be the best driver you can be and you'll go along ways in this industry.
    dayzedandconfuzed Thanks this.
  11. Zoltan1a

    Zoltan1a Road Train Member

    Mar 15, 2011
    Las Vegas, NV
    That is something they said in my orientation over and over again. It is up to the driver to pre-plan and tell their DM if they can or cannot make it on time and if not then they would either try to change the delivery time or make changes to the trip.
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