Werner compared to C.R. England

Discussion in 'Report A BAD Trucking Company Here' started by Sofia, Jul 21, 2012.

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  1. Sofia

    Sofia Light Load Member

    Jul 21, 2012
    Criminal intent runs throughout the entire business of Werner....it is corruption and the problems will never be resolved internally. Werner business is malicious and it's organized. Driver's have actually told me they were threatened by their FM (Fleet Mgrs) and dispatchers. Werner's customers aren't happy, either.
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  3. AfterShock

    AfterShock Road Train Member

    Sep 19, 2007
    Inland Empire, California
    You've mentioned that Warner's customers aren't happy, either.
    Do you know what, specifically, they're unhappy about?

    As for the way some Big truck truckin' companies are runnin' their operations now, ---- When the American Trucking Association made Dan England one of their Board members, I wonder if it had anything to do with the business methods and practices that the heads of C.R. England have devised, incorporated and implemented into their little family businesses (unethical) method of operation? Ya gotta admit, those Sons-0-Chester came up with a money-makin' master plan that has managed to not only keep their doors open in this stagnant economy, while so many of their competition went belly-up, but those boys are registering gains, --- albeit at the expense of those they employ.

    A "businessman" will tell y'all that the business comes first. Whatever it takes to keep the business IN business is considered acceptable. Now it seems like some of the other Big truck truckin' companies are applying nearly the same methods as the Sons-0-Chet where they weren't prior to Dan E.'s chairmanship with the A.T.A. Obviously the A.T.A. must be favorably impressed with C.R.E.'s bottom-line results. How an organization that claims to stand up for America's Big truck truck drivers can even allow someone who heads a company like C.R. England to be a member in good standings baffles my mind.
    What the hail is goin' on?!
  4. Sofia

    Sofia Light Load Member

    Jul 21, 2012

    I like your name, "AfterShock." There is another member's name, "Hostage," that I really like.

    Werner's criminal and acceptable business practices that appear pervasive in bigger trucking companies have become standardized because it is lucrative for owners. Thank you for your above comment.

    Foreign investors in USA trucking companies are rather unhappy, too, and not without good reason. Werner's accounting standards are below the level that is normally acceptable for the SEC - Security Exchange Commission. Werner's publicly traded investment opportunities appear to be very high for foreign interests; however, what Werner reports for USA tax purposes is unequivocal. (If I remember correctly, I think SOX compliance - Sarbanes Oxley - is relevant in this area under the clause "Applicability To Foreign Firms and Investments.") I wonder if this is standardized practice with other USA trucking companies that are NASDAQ traded and how do they get away with it? I don't think Chinese investors are very happy with supposed Werner reciprocal commodities, either (and with good reason!). What we are talking about here...is good old USA organized crime...we own it...it's ours...and it's our problem. The appearance of a USA business can "seem" fiscally healthy when you look at the numbers; however, somehow, at Werner, the numbers don't disclose the full gross marginal profit and revenues. There's other USA businesses that have done this to foreign investors, too; but, usually, they don't "get away with it" as long as Werner has. Werner's been screwing people for a long time.
    AfterShock Thanks this.
  5. Sofia

    Sofia Light Load Member

    Jul 21, 2012
    Also, AfterShock:

    I just wanted to add....

    Werner's legal department is particularly good at deriding liability in their corrupt business functionality. For example, Werner has tried to blame a privatized CDL-A school for providing misinformation to CDL-A students before the students are hired by Werner. Well, that's not what occurs, at all. Werner is a recipient of students who have been trained to acquire their CDL-A from privatized truck driving schools. While the student is still in school, Werner agrees (non-contractually) to pay 1/2 of the student's monthly loan payments. However, Werner never intends to pay 1/2 of the student's monthly loan payments...further, putting the student and their school into debt for a loan that was provided in "good faith." I went to a good school...I had good teachers......however, my teachers didn't know the full functionality of organized crime that is practiced at Werner.....

    Usually, Werner's organized crime is "written off" as bad dispatchers. Well, Werner's dispatchers and FM (Fleet Mgrs.) are really bad, but the problem is much deeper....because it's planned business.
    AfterShock Thanks this.
  6. AfterShock

    AfterShock Road Train Member

    Sep 19, 2007
    Inland Empire, California
    ThanX for tellin' me that Sofia.
    I wanted a handle that's different, not another Midnight Rambler, Ghost Rider, Wanderer, or any of the other popular stage names that I hear so often. The names that not only identified the person, but also provided a clue as to where the wearer of said name calls home-20
    is what I wanted.

    Bein' domiciled within the area of influence of Los Angeles, aka: City of Angels, I wanted to incorporate that into my new identity, but, ...... I'm no angel, so I continued my search for a name with the right fit.
    Southern California, (SoCal), has a reputation for earthquakes, but I wasn't content with any name combinations derived from that. It was while listening to the reports of damage after an earthquake that I heard the reporter mention that aftershocks shouldn't be taken lightly or ignored because they can do more actual damage then by the earthquake's first jolts, which kinda tenderizes buildings so they're ready to collapse with even a bobble of the Richter Scale needle.

    That report reminded me of another name associated with the LA area, ----> Shaky Town. :sign7::sign7:
    The area bewixt my ears got brighter, --- I could see I was onto something, --- a breakthrough.
    I uttered a couple of possibilities with no effect. It was when I mumbled,
    "AfterShock" that the light got brighter. But aftershocks happen every place. I wanted to narrow it down to where I call home. LA AfterShock? The light got dimmer. Angel AfterShock? Dimmer. I knew I was close though. If only I could combine Shaky and AfterShock together, I'd be, ----- HeY! What'd I just mutter?!
    "Shakey AfterShock"?


    That's the day and the way Shakey AfterShock was born.
    I was shocked and shaky after that.
    Two decades later brings me to today, and during that time I'm pleased to announce that I've heard that name used only once by someone else. Fortunately for me, my CB radio was bigger than his when I flip on the kicker, which I did. Did I mention that I ain't no angel? That was the first, and last, time I ever heard anyone else use AfterShock to identify themselves.
    It's twue!
    It's twue!

    Anyway, that's my story
    and I'm stuck with it.

    However, and this is a first for me, --- I have managed to digress before I even got started.
    My bad.
    And I had so much more to say, -----------------
    I reckon I'll have to start another post to get said.
    Just a heads-up ----- your posts have caused me to go
    Hmmmmmmmmmmm -------- I think

    that's a good thang. :smt045:smt112

    ThanX :salute:
  7. Sofia

    Sofia Light Load Member

    Jul 21, 2012
    Aftershocks also occur after leaving Werner.....

    It's a good handle...
  8. Sofia

    Sofia Light Load Member

    Jul 21, 2012
    I agree; new drivers need to seriously check out their employers before working in the trucking industry. However, smaller regional trucking companies still tend to be an advantage over the larger national trucking employers.

    Larger national trucking companies (i.e. Werner, C.R. England) are legally defined as a "criminal syndicate." It can't be resolved within the individual companies, themselves.....it needs to be resolved federally.
  9. Sofia

    Sofia Light Load Member

    Jul 21, 2012

    As a "Criminal Syndicate," Werner, C.R.E. and others simply regulate what they will offer to drivers through their administrations.....Werner and C.R.E. business methods keep their drivers literally "hungry."

    This is a conversation I witnessed between my trainer and their dispatcher....

    Dispatcher - talking to trucker: "well, if you are hungry, you are just going to have to take whatever load assignment I give you...so you can refuel and get points on your UltraOne Card."....(and then with accumulative points, you can buy a piece of pizza and take a shower at the next truck stop)..."But you won't get your pizza until you finish your load assignment....and I will decide how much I want to pay you and if I want to pay you, at all....and, maybe I won't even let you get paid, at all....because that's my decision."

    Well, obviously, truck drivers get angry, stressed and frustrated.....(and with good reason!).

    Now...after the Werner dispatcher said this to my trainer; my trainer is required to train me and to haul a full tractor trailer through heavy USA traffic, road construction, adhering to ALL DOT and State Law requirements, (remember, the trucker is without any A/C when the truck is stopped because Werner refuses to pay for the truckers to have A/C or heat - reduced idle time and no APU) wondering in the back of their mind if Werner is going to file a false DAC against them if they try to leave their job positions.....and how they are going to feed their kids and pay the mortgage.......and the trainer is responsible for me, the student.....

    These national trucking companies target the USA homeless population because the USA homeless population is already starving to death and will not be as disagreeing to the illegal work ethics of Werner and C.R.E. To these trucking companies disadvantage, many of our USA homeless maintain a clean MVR and no criminal history because they are under the age of 18 years old....humm, imagine that, well, Werner and C.R.E. can't use the homeless if they are under 18....

    Werner and C.R.E.'s business methods are very malicious and criminal....their business methods are criminally syndicated.
  10. Sofia

    Sofia Light Load Member

    Jul 21, 2012
    Remember...Werner trains their dispatchers to coerce drivers...it's Werner's business methods that are criminal (not the dispatchers, themselves...evil little monsters that they are...they are just doing what they are paid to do).....I was victimized by the same business methods driving solo for Werner....only different dispatchers and different circumstances....Werner needs to be shut down.

    USA Long Haul Truck Drivers = Annual Salary + Pay Per Load (and nothing under $50,000). We need to make it happen...
  11. k7tkr

    k7tkr Medium Load Member

    Apr 13, 2010
    Lord save us from wanna be's and sea lawyers.

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