Werner compared to C.R. England

Discussion in 'Report A BAD Trucking Company Here' started by Sofia, Jul 21, 2012.

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  1. drvrtech77

    drvrtech77 Road Train Member

    Mar 20, 2010
    One thing that really puzzles me is...if you had a serious legal case, wouldn't an attorney advise you about speaking about details on a public forum...
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  3. Mister Ection

    Mister Ection Bobtail Member

    Apr 26, 2012
    Podunk, Montana
    Only the ones with a clue.

    The first rule of Legal Fight Club is... you don't talk about your legal fight.
  4. dayzedandconfuzed

    dayzedandconfuzed Light Load Member

    Jul 6, 2012
    Here is my thing...they will not fire you runnin legal...as long as your doin your job and not breakn laws ur good....call the safety office...if they are screwin around go above them....if u got proof hey screwin ya or telling you to run illegal pull into a scale house and show them...its not rocket sience...its being safe working hard and covering ur butt...
  5. FozzyNOK

    FozzyNOK Road Train Member

    Jul 18, 2007
    Frankly I think this is just another case of someone who came from a position with lots of free time and very loose time constraints. This seems to be another example of some rube why thought that trucking was some form of paid adventure where they could stroll down the road, sight see and shop and get their hair done when they wanted to. This business is about moving freight and providing service for the customers. That's ALL this job has ever been. There were times at Werner were I had to run when I really wanted to and sit, and sit when I really wanted to run. But I was NEVER forced to run illegal. Sometimes this "romance of the road" turns out to not be what the rubes want it to be. The find all the excuses in the world and blame every carrier they work for.. and never seem to find out that its not the carriers, its the JOB that they hate.
    Starchdoggy Thanks this.
  6. dayzedandconfuzed

    dayzedandconfuzed Light Load Member

    Jul 6, 2012
    Notice its never the drivers fault...let's play the blame game....its all about generation me.
  7. FozzyNOK

    FozzyNOK Road Train Member

    Jul 18, 2007
    Not really.. this is a result of the myth that trucking = freedom or some sort of happy adventure.."lifestyle truckers" have turn this into the adult equivalent of running away to join the circus. When they to find out that its more often that not a HUGE time consuming job that requires them to be dedicated to the job and sometimes go for days on end where there IS no free time and you live from driving to sleeper and not much in between.. reality strikes. it becomes less about the back row party shenanigans. Now I agree that America has changed and for the worse as it relates to personal responsibility.. but that's a whole "nuther" topic! : )
  8. dayzedandconfuzed

    dayzedandconfuzed Light Load Member

    Jul 6, 2012
    Start that topic...lol believe it or not when I left the army I became a professional wrestler...for about 4 years...I've been in the ring with some former top wcw wwe and nwa talent...it was a blast...I still talk to guys like lex lugar and tommy rich on a regular basis...the problem with that business is shady promoters screwin with pay..insanley jealous workers who will lie cheat and really hurt you to try to get ahead...and the toll it took on my body week in and week out...it took a few years but when I saw how the business was I decided to get back in a truck...I know this has nothing to do with this topic but its what turned me back to trucking....
  9. Katatonic

    Katatonic Bobtail Member

    Jul 20, 2012
    Sacramento, CA
    But you still talk weird! :p ...Thanks for the heads up, though. I'll look into J.B. Hunt. Can you tell me why/how JB Hunt is better than the rest? Thanks!

    BIF MALIBU Heavy Load Member

    May 21, 2010
    lake cushman wa
    we live in a litigious society
    these big companies training thousands of rookies and exposing the motoring public to them gotta have a great legal team!
    who gonna hire a non experienced driver thats gathering evidence to file suit from day one!
  11. Sofia

    Sofia Light Load Member

    Jul 21, 2012
    Werner 's truck driver's generally just accept the circumstances of Werner's corrupt business practices and that they are grossly underpaid. Werner is federally insured to be a student truck driver company. Furthermore, Werner is compensated through federal student endorsement programs; if and when, a student finishes their schooling to acquire a CDL-A and becomes an employee. I think after 60 to 90 days, Werner receives federal appropriations for a new truck driver. The impact of good intentioned employees in Werner's Safety Dept. or Driver Relations is subjugated under the illegal functionality of Werner itself. Considering employment with local farmers (running flatbeds) or your local or county government's will usually offer better pay and experience for OTR. Unfortunately, homeless shelters are filled with driver's who have been taken advantage of professionally by some trucking companies, such as Werner. The percentage of income that is paid to a driver for completing a Werner load delivery is about 1%.....that means if Werner is paid $10,000 for a delivered load, the driver receives about $100.00. Driver's are 100% responsible and liable for their loads, tractor-trailers, and any accidents that occur in route. Driver's are essential to Werner. You'd think Werner would pay their driver's better and train their dispatchers and/or load planners to be respectful of driver's who are responsible for running cargo.....however, Werner trains their dispatchers and/or load planners to push their drivers beyond legal limits (that's my biggest concern); because Werner is generally unconcerned with the welfare of their own driver's. I think there are some good intentioned people working in Werner's administration; nevertheless, Werner's business practices are corrupt and widely unacceptable. I think Werner should lose their federal income stipends which comprises most of their quarterly income. I don't think Werner is a qualified company for new driver's and should not be federally compensated for endorsing new driver's.
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