Werner Enterprises, Inc. - Omaha, Ne.

Discussion in 'Report A BAD Trucking Company Here' started by lj, Jun 17, 2005.

  1. pattyj

    pattyj Road Train Member

    Jul 19, 2008
    Sioux City,ia
    Dispatchers and other personelle are ignorant and rude because of their bosses and drivers.But they fail to realize they are the reasons why drivers are the way they are.Low miles a lot of sitting no pay ect ect.Of course drivers are going to get mad about it which therefore turns the staff into ignorant rude #####.Werner hasn't changed except for the worse since I drove for them..
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    NDBADLANDS Medium Load Member

    May 8, 2010
    Patty , can you explain why you think drivers make a dispatcher ignorant and rude? I would someday like to get into the dispatching side of trucking and would love to hear from drivers who have first hand experience.
  4. haulin' mama

    haulin' mama Bobtail Member

    Jan 16, 2011
    Callands, Va
    i didnt go threw all 140 pages but does anyone know how the dedicated run is with werner?
  5. HappyHardCore

    HappyHardCore Light Load Member

    Mar 19, 2007
    If you run with Werner, dedicated account can be best experience with them. Completely different than dealing with dispatch in Omaha NE.

    Get to know your fleet managers better. Regular runs. Home every weekend, or possibly every day depending how close to the dedicated account.

    Turn over can still be high though, cause lot of drivers complain no matter how good they got it, and grass is always greener on the other side. Take the good with the bad, short runs with the long runs, don't complain much, and you'll have overall positive experience.
  6. wernerbud

    wernerbud Bobtail Member

    Oct 17, 2010
    columbus, ohio
    How it works all drivers must prove them selfs to there dispatchers and fleet managers. No new driver will get the best loads on a board would u give an unproven driver them. Also u all think its your fleet manager that decides your loads there just mesangers the planners do that your fleet manager is just the messanger. THe fleet manager must plan u and all others on your board next few loads taking into consideration home time etc of his boards. And lets be honest there is so much turnover at any training company they don't care they have new drivers to replace u being trained right now. I was on the werner ab dedicated worked 5 to 6 days a week made 29,000 before taxes. I left now drive a straight truck paid by the hour with paid holidays and overtime with min freight touching. I work 45 to 50 hours a week 4 days per week make 46,000 before taxes with great insurance. MOst drivers leave for more money or they cant stay away from home
  7. tkpinsc

    tkpinsc Light Load Member

    Nov 2, 2013
    Depends on where you live, what you are looking for, and what dedicated accounts are available there. I've been told Werner has around 200 dedicated accounts and considering how many I've come across where I am I believe that number. Here in central SC the dedicated accounts range from a retail account with 80 drivers down to an account that has only two team trucks, with half a dozen others between in size. Driver placement will tell you about the larger ones, but the small accounts can be hard to identify unless they are recruiting for that account. The larger dedicated, like the 20 driver target account I'm on have the Fleet Manager on site.
  8. jason.grant9

    jason.grant9 Bobtail Member

    Dec 4, 2013
    I drove for werner for about 8 months... same problem....most of the problems are communication within the cubicles at the office once in a great while I would get offered a temporary dedicated route, and made great money sometimes checks over $1,000 a week, but other than that I got shafted, I was on western regional, got paid a flat rate of $.22cpm and stayed in the Chicago area the only time I touched one of the western 11 states is when I seldom got to go home. they would always tell me I had 1 day less of home time than what I was supposed to get.

    I also drove for Stevens Transport and had a much better experience with them....look into it...hint, hint...
    AztecHybrid_810 Thanks this.
  9. Funzo

    Funzo Bobtail Member

    Nov 13, 2013
    Pleasantville, NJ
    I'm a CDL student about to graduate. I've been pre-hired by Werner & US Xpress. I'm trying to choose. Any suggestions? The recruiter says Werner allows my pit bull dog and US Xpress has a pit bull restriction. Because of this I'm leaning toward Werner.
  10. HappyHardCore

    HappyHardCore Light Load Member

    Mar 19, 2007
    They are both trainer companies, so what they allow or don't allow would help you choose, like the pit bull thing.
    Funzo Thanks this.
  11. tkpinsc

    tkpinsc Light Load Member

    Nov 2, 2013
    Depends what you are looking for and where you live. Check with driver placement at both companies to see what they offer in your area.

    Over the road Werner is tough to make decent money unless you train which would prevent having your dog. Werner has a bunch of dedicated accounts, most you can get assigned to quickly after training if you live in the right area.

    US express OTR pushes the miles onto teams which would also prevent having a dog. Solo OTR drivers seem to spend a lot of time shagging loads for the teams. US Express, like Werner has a bunch of dedicated accounts which appears to be the way to make a decent check with them as a solo driver.

    I work on a dedicated Werner account that splits the work between us and US Xpress and have compared the pay at the same account between the two companies. I haven't worked for US Xpress but they, actually Arnold who is fully owned by US Express, was my second choice.
    Funzo Thanks this.
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