Werner Passed on me..Hello CRE?

Discussion in 'CR England' started by BlinkBlink, Jan 18, 2009.

  1. smitty66

    smitty66 Light Load Member

    Mar 23, 2008
    forest hills,new york
    why would they do that ? waste your time and theres. im looking at going to cre. 2-9-2009 and i have missdermeanors but i told them up front and my recruitor said everything is o.k. i would hate to go all the way to indiana. and they tell me we cant hire you. i would be very pissed..:biggrin_25510:
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  3. PharmPhail

    PharmPhail Road Train Member

    Nov 7, 2008
    What I said was true for the couple of people I spoke to a ways back. It would be great if you let us know how it turns out for you.
  4. Lostreb

    Lostreb Bobtail Member

    Jan 1, 2009
    Winnemucca, NV
    I am currently talking to a recruiter with CRE, am a somewhat experienced driver (no OTR in last 3 years, but local), clean DAC report, no dui's and a clean background. I think that in future negotiations, I will insist that I drive to SLC, and get a guarentee in writing that I have a job and can only be fired for lack of driving skills while at the orientation. Wonder what the reply will be.
  5. CommDriver

    CommDriver Road Train Member

    Dec 9, 2006
  6. He who is called I am

    He who is called I am Medium Load Member

    Dec 18, 2008
    Da U P Eh, Michigan
    I know that when you go to orientation in indiana you will be interviewed by a police officer. Be truthful to him. He will run a background check. If you lie they will boot you if not your fine i worked at cre for 2 yrs. you should be fine good luck and leave there after 6 mos. lol
  7. BlinkBlink

    BlinkBlink Bobtail Member

    Jan 18, 2009
    I decided not to go to CRE or any other OTR company.. I spent a few days talking to good OTR companies... NON OF THEM ARE HIRING.

    If anyone needs a paycheck like yesterday they would be better off mowing lawns than work for CRE...I could be wrong but I think its a gamble to put your future in CREs hands...

    And when things do pick back up I think I will go here

    FFE has my vote!
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 24, 2009
    notarps4me Thanks this.
  8. notarps4me

    notarps4me Road Train Member

    Jan 1, 2007
    A lot of people are down on companies who have hiring freezes, but those are the co's that look out for their present drivers.
  9. BlinkBlink

    BlinkBlink Bobtail Member

    Jan 18, 2009

    Well thats the company I wanna grow old with... I would not want to push a driver out and I would expect the same in return..That says a lot about a company when there is a hiring freez... Unlike CRE they dont give a crap.

    People please do your homework before taking the CRE job.. There are plenty of post online with drivers that have worked for CRE for the term of thier lease and hated every day of it... Making $2000 every 3 months..As soon as thier lease was paid they left and never looked back..

    Only CRE sucsess storys I have read and they are sad.

    Sorry for the link admin.. I post on sports boards also... We link link link..Just a habbit.. I wont do it again.:biggrin_25525:
    Lilbit Thanks this.
  10. chucky

    chucky Light Load Member

    Jan 24, 2008
    I agree with Zero, CRE should be a last resort only.
  11. dragonmatrix

    dragonmatrix Medium Load Member

    Sep 20, 2007
    Las Vegas, NV.
    And Central Refrigerated......
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