Because someone has to keep this going into 2022…
Might as well as be me!!
Plus it’s still funny as ****!lmao
Happy New Year everyone BTW!
Werner Trainer Craps Himself
Discussion in 'Report A BAD Trucking Company Here' started by later_dude, Mar 22, 2008.
Page 161 of 169
jeff18, LoSt_AgAiN, Quackomatic 6000 and 6 others Thank this.
Trucking Jobs in 30 seconds
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Real truck drivers read articles and watch trucking videos on youtube when on their 34 or vacation
Shame on tha mess HAHAHA you Boneheadjeff18 Thanks this. -
jeff18, Jarhed1964 and dwells40 Thank this.
This thread is famous.
Making a post in this thread kinda feels like I'm carving my name on a national monument.Bud A., LilRedRidingHood, Constant Learner and 12 others Thank this. -
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We Employee ####### No Experience Required
1 year at werner will toughen a person's driving way more than 1 year at alot of other places though. for growing your driving skills they are good at give that kinds of experience.
Zoltan1a Thanks this. -
Jarhed1964, austinmike, dwells40 and 1 other person Thank this.
Trucking Jobs in 30 seconds
Every month 400 people find a job with the help of TruckersReport.
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