Western express

Discussion in 'Motor Carrier Questions - The Inside Scoop' started by duddie, Oct 4, 2008.

  1. Bad2DBone

    Bad2DBone Bobtail Member

    Nov 7, 2011
    You all wana ruin your CSA rating working here.....
    You'll end up fired like the other 10,000 a year they go through.
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  3. tlfinch1952

    tlfinch1952 Bobtail Member

    Sep 6, 2012
    i am a new member of this forum, mainly to get feedback on a company i am considering to go 2 work for, not western express. however i noticed the thread about western express so i took a look to see if this forum is really drivers or just a bunch of recruiters masqaurading as drivers.. i been otr 7 years & 2 of them were at western express pulling flatbed... i worked there when wayne wiese was still alive & running the company. maybe things have changed since he passed on... it was the worst company i ever worked for hands down.. low pay,never got me home, treated me & everyone i knew there at the time like we were trash under thier feet.. i personally know that attitude started at the top and went all the way thru mngmt. again maybe things have changed but anyone that was driving for western express as of 2 1/2 years ago and says it was a good company is a fraud & i will probly have my doubts about this forum... that company was that bad & any otr guy out here can verify what im saying
    sdaniel Thanks this.
  4. sdaniel

    sdaniel Road Train Member

    Sep 7, 2011
    Pelham N.C.
    tifinch1952, this site is a great tool ! But like any tool you need to be carefull . You can hurt your self with a basic hammer . Let us know who you are looking at , and where home is and we will try to help you in making an informed choice ! Pm me if I can help , 21 years I been around the block a few times. Best of luck! PS and let us know what you want !
  5. BrooklynBoy84

    BrooklynBoy84 Bobtail Member

    Sep 13, 2012
    Moreno Valley, CA
    Why is it when i hear negative remarks about a company its always about themselves. Telling everyone on this forum that you had a bad exp with the company. Have you ever thought that your bad exp with them was because you never put in enough to make them see how dedicated you are to your job or maybe you were slacking in your work. If you show proof of all these bad moves that the company is making towards yourself and other drivers then others will approve your word. I'm glad that i have a chance to drive for Western Express Flatbed. I have everything in writing and signed by my recruiter and future DM and Dispatcher that with my Exp. I will be getting payed over 40cpm as a company driver and that hometime is guaranteed if I notify them 2weeks in advance. You need to really look at your own efforts. Because thats how you will get paid and noticed by your efforts and dedication. When you put in more you will get more. Drive Safe.
  6. sdaniel

    sdaniel Road Train Member

    Sep 7, 2011
    Pelham N.C.
    So 98% of western express drivers on here were slackers? Or where there is smoke there is fire? Hope everything works as planed! Be you would not be the first that has been lied to! If they did. Best of luck! And hope we are wrong!
  7. jazzleader

    jazzleader Light Load Member

    Sep 14, 2012
    Either or it's ur choice LadyD!!!!
  8. jazzleader

    jazzleader Light Load Member

    Sep 14, 2012
    I heard it was better when Wayne was alive & it went downhill...Playing favorites.....Not giving a U know what like U said is a understatement!!!
    Last edited: Sep 17, 2012
  9. Rug_Trucker

    Rug_Trucker Road Train Member

    Aug 7, 2009
    Near Nashville TN
    So you just signed up here...........and just signed with W/E? Check back in after you get some time in with these yucks. One of the guys I was pulling gas with was going in the hole At Westurd Express. They knew his wife was disabled, and he couldn't get home. I don't believe that you signed an agreement with the recruiter. Even if you did? Doesn't mean squat. No need for a "signed agreement." There is a company driver hand book. I am sure it's all in there. Getting them to abide by their own rules?:biggrin_25523:
    123456 Thanks this.
  10. jazzleader

    jazzleader Light Load Member

    Sep 14, 2012
    Ok U just gave me an idea BBoy84 but as for slacking, I was never a slacker only thing is they were not clear on exact deadlines of the Transflo & we(wife & I ) had to get on theIr case about not getting the loads paid to my account on time...Plus U of all people know if U are WE flatbed U just can't d/l freight & get a preplan before U can get ur d/l's off the truck..that's what get's them screwed plus I had my truck breakdown few weeks ago & it took me almost a wk 2 get back on the road.........Dedications one thing U should be thankful U got over & got what U want fm Western...Me like I said U just gave me a great idea......Thank U, Thank U thank U!!!!!
  11. jazzleader

    jazzleader Light Load Member

    Sep 14, 2012
    Thanks Rug Trucker....I'll read up on the handbook ASAP....& by the way I'm a yr older than U & in da biz 26 yrs longer than U!!! & ur right they put nothing in writing PERIOD!!!
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