Western xpress gets worse

Discussion in 'Report A BAD Trucking Company Here' started by Vrgadin, Apr 13, 2024.

  1. Still undecided

    Still undecided Heavy Load Member

    Aug 21, 2019
    I looked at Marten once, and saw enough bad things to make me decide against them. I went and looked at their reviews just now and boy are they bad! Recent too.
    Last edited: Apr 15, 2024
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  3. mjd4277

    mjd4277 Road Train Member

    Oct 4, 2015
    There have been some “policy changes” that are leaving a bad taste in the drivers’ mouths-myself included.
    Still undecided Thanks this.
  4. bryan21384

    bryan21384 Road Train Member

    Sep 18, 2009
    Memphis, TN
    What company doesn't have bad reviews lol.....seems to be the only time people leave reviews is when things go poorly for them.
  5. REO6205

    REO6205 Road Train Member

    Feb 15, 2014
    You're right. A lot of times if we heard the other side of the story we'd find that their complaints were founded on bad communication and a lack of professionalism on the driver's part.
    Are there bad companies who cheat their drivers and treat them like rented mules? Absolutely there are. Are there shippers and receivers who treat the driver like a sub human? We all know there are. It's just that some drivers expect the company to be their mommy and lead them by the hand every where they go.
    Driving, almost more than any other profession, is a job for grown-ups with realistic expectations.
    JForce28, bryan21384 and mjd4277 Thank this.
  6. bryan21384

    bryan21384 Road Train Member

    Sep 18, 2009
    Memphis, TN
    You spoke some truth there. When I started, my trainer told me truckinh is all about what you put into it. You give more, you get more. I agree with what you say about a lot of drivers. Many of them think companies should cater to them as opposed to the other way around. So many drivers treat this industry like its NFL/NBA free agency, like companies are really bidding for their "driving expertise." A remember one friend I had, he was looking at going to TransAm for a bit. The recruiter engaged him heavily. He came back and told me, "They really want me over there. It's like I'm Brock Lesnar and I'ma free agent, and WWE and UFC are trying to outbid for my services." Huh?!?!!? What?!?! I popped that bubble so quick. Point being, you got drivers like him that see themselves as me sort of high priced commodity, but in reality their the ones who went to whatever company for a job. The irony. If a driver goes to a company for a job, they should assimilate to what's already in place instead of thinking their supposed to hold their hand.
    dosgatos and REO6205 Thank this.
  7. Still undecided

    Still undecided Heavy Load Member

    Aug 21, 2019
    You guys are both right but you're missing the larger patterns that develop with time. Companies earn their reputation in trucking just like every other industry, and it pays to look at those patterns. Trucking is just a job, and both sides deserve to be treated fairly. And if one side doesn't want to treat the other fairly, the advantage is definitely on the employers side and I was glad for the reviews I read before I retired.
    dosgatos Thanks this.
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