What advice would u give yourself when u first started trucking

Discussion in 'Experienced Truckers' Advice' started by expedite_it, Jan 18, 2025.

  1. expedite_it

    expedite_it Road Train Member

    Sep 8, 2012
    If you could go back in time, what advice would you give yourself when you first started in trucking?

    Here is my list:

    1# Don't take advil PM or any other sleep medications. -----When I first started in trucking, I was a team driver. Sleeping when my teammate was driving was like trying to sleep on a roller coaster. I took advil PM to help me sleep on every 10 hour break for years. I knew about the warnings on the labels of Advil PM that say that advil PM can cause stomach problems. But I didn't think anything of it at first. Eventually, I got gastritis. Now I cannot drink caffeine. If I drink caffeine, I will get extremely sick and start vomiting. I cannot handle team driving without caffeine. So I cannot do team driving any more. This was a huge mistake. Sleep medications only do a little bit to help me sleep. Caffeine does A LOT to help me stay alert at night. I should have avoided sleep medications so I would not get gastritis. I would be making twice as much money if I could do team driving.

    I can do team driving without sleep medications, but not without caffeine.

    2# Put a microwave in my truck. ------I didn't get a microwave in my truck until after I had been trucking for seven years. The microwave helps me enormously at being economical and to make more money. I take the majority of my ten hour breaks at rest areas. Before I got a microwave, I would frequently stop at truckstops to buy food and eat food before I would pick up and deliver loads. This made me late to countless pick up and delivery appointments. I am morbidly obese. Morbidly obese people like me don't let anything interfere with eating. We will be late to shippers and receivers in order to make sure we get to eat. Now I store microwaveable food in my truck, and I will just microwave food and eat the food at the rest area before my ten hour break expires. And now I make a lot more pick up and delivery appointments on time. Also, I used to buy food off door dash about once per week before I got a microwave. Now I only buy a meal off door dash about once or twice per year. Door dash is expensive. My microwave paid out in just one week.

    3# Buy a storage container for bottled waters. Then buy big cases of bottled waters. -----I didn't buy a storage container for bottled waters until I had been trucking for seven years. I bought my storage container for bottled waters at about the same time that i bought my microwave for the semi-truck. Before I bought the storage container for bottled waters, I would buy bottled waters individually for about $2.00 per water at truckstops. Now I buy a big pack of 35 bottled waters for about $7 at truckstops or about $5 for about 35 bottled waters at Walmart. So now I only pay about 20 cents per water instead of $2.00 per water.

    4# don't buy a freezer to put on the semi-truck. ------I am a company driver. My company won't let me idle my truck. So the frozen food in a freezer always thaws on my ten hour breaks. So I don't carry a freezer on the semi-truck.
    bryan21384 and Cherokee65 Thank this.
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  3. tscottme

    tscottme Road Train Member

    My advice to me would be get into tanker ASAP instead of "hibernating" in a comfortable home-daily job for almost 20 years.
  4. expedite_it

    expedite_it Road Train Member

    Sep 8, 2012
    I've thought about going into tanker. But I am worried that it would be mostly night driving, at least when I first start in tanker. Is tanker driving usually mostly night driving when you first start in tanker?
  5. tscottme

    tscottme Road Train Member

    My tanker was dedicated to one shipper. It was mostly very long distance OTR. Every account is different.

    The tanker customers are mostly awesome. Trailers are easier to blind-side & park.
    Numb, cuzzin it and lual Thank this.
  6. Chinatown

    Chinatown Road Train Member

    Aug 28, 2011
    Henderson, NV & Orient
    Since you're overweight, can you climb a narrow ladder to get on top of a tanker trailer?
    bryan21384 and Sons Hero Thank this.
  7. expedite_it

    expedite_it Road Train Member

    Sep 8, 2012
    Yes. Because it is only about 10 feet
    Chinatown Thanks this.
  8. Gomer1969

    Gomer1969 Light Load Member

    Jan 13, 2013
    I've been out here 27 years and last 12 I've been running linehaul at OD. If I could go back I would tell myself to get on with OD from day one.
    Numb, bryan21384, viper822004 and 3 others Thank this.
  9. expedite_it

    expedite_it Road Train Member

    Sep 8, 2012
    What is OD?

    Is OD a LTL company?
  10. Gomer1969

    Gomer1969 Light Load Member

    Jan 13, 2013
    Old Dominion Freight Lines
    tscottme and expedite_it Thank this.
  11. Gomer1969

    Gomer1969 Light Load Member

    Jan 13, 2013
    Yes OD is LTL
    expedite_it Thanks this.
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