What are you guys getting around the country to haul transfer loads of trash?

Discussion in 'Waste Removal and Garbage Truck Driver Forum' started by cableclown, May 25, 2013.

  1. scythe08

    scythe08 Road Train Member

    Mar 19, 2007
    Portland, Or
    Yeah, I heard our Office in Chicago went Union and I think We have a few others that Unionized before Jim Bults said He would just shut terminals down if they Unionized. The only reason I ever got Dirty was because we ran turnpike doubles and we had to break the sets up in a dirt staging area. With My route, I only ever had to deal with the trash if one of the loaders didn't pack the trash down enough and I couldn't tarp it. I kinda miss it, but I don't miss the Company at all. I loved hauling those turnpike doubles!

    Some of our loads would freeze too! We hauled sludge/poop in the Winter and it would turn into an poop cude! The loaders were supposed to make a nest for it in the garbage so it wouldn't freeze to the trailer, but there was always an loader will a bad attitude who hated to be told what to do. Sometimes the driver would be on the tipper for 15-20 minutes just banging away, tying to get it loose
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  3. fisher guy

    fisher guy Road Train Member

    Mar 22, 2009
    Ocala Florida
    i worked for kb corp out of old town maine running live floor trash and demo run down to boston or surrounding pick up a load bring it to maine standard was 3 loads a day with a pre load we ran log book and was paid on percentage 22% of the line hall average was 1100 gross not a bad job but u were out all week but had every weekend off mind u the cost of living in new england is much higher then say florida
  4. crudeoil hauler

    crudeoil hauler Bobtail Member

    Nov 27, 2013
    lafayette LA
    someone knows about a company in florida maybe central florida who hire owner operators to haul trash??
  5. baha

    baha Road Train Member

    Jul 25, 2013
    wallpole over by the lake did hire.
    crudeoil hauler Thanks this.
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