What companies are actully hiring trainees durin economic crisis?

Discussion in 'Motor Carrier Questions - The Inside Scoop' started by Zoomin' Zemo, Jan 16, 2009.

  1. rookietrucker

    rookietrucker Trucker Forum STAFF Staff Member

    Jul 15, 2007
    Hope everything works out for you and good luck in the new position. The one thing I do know about about Iron Mountain is the walleye fishing was great up there by the reservoir. Camped two weeks there and filled the coolers. :biggrin_255:
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  3. luvtheroad

    luvtheroad Road Train Member

    Jan 1, 2009
    Central Ohio
    Hey, best of luck!!! I think you took it so you didnt have to buy dinner next month! :biggrin_25525: Let me know how it goes for you. Don't blame you for going, that seniority and the pension is nothing to let go of if you don't have to. Stay safe...
  4. supertrucker6

    supertrucker6 Bobtail Member

    Mar 9, 2009
    greenville, sc
    Well, I just left US xpress and I can tell you they want students... Like the other guys say.. pay you less.. ####y miles and hey they make more money... to bad the inexperience can't deliver like the experienced..
  5. jakshouse

    jakshouse Light Load Member

    Mar 10, 2009
    I have a question, don't know if this is the right spot or not but i will ask anyway. I am looking at starting CDL school with CFI in Oklahoma next month if everything works out. Anyone give me any info on the company? I am 55 and can't afford to make a mistake now. i was in a bad job for 18 years and will not put up with being lied to again. I know all of them lie but does CFI lie less? I am looking forward to starting a new career and want to hit the highway running not sitting in a truck stop or waiting of loads. Would I be better off going reefer or flatbed or stick with dry van?Thanks really enjoy and get some good info from this site so keep up the good work
  6. jakshouse

    jakshouse Light Load Member

    Mar 10, 2009
    Excuse me but last time I checked I was not trash! And #### it is so nice to meet someone that did not have to be trained for a new job but hired in knowing everything there was to know.You need to stand up so everyone can clap! First time in history!Jesus needed training but not you.
  7. RickG

    RickG Road Train Member

    Jul 22, 2008
    Owensboro , KY
    Obviously you haven't read much here . A lot of drivers are waiting 2 or more days between loads and getting under 2,000 miles a week . A lot of others didn't fulfill their 1 year obligation and ended up being billed $3,000 - $5,000 for their training . Leaving wasn't their choice . They got terminated for a minor alleged violation .
    I don't understand you saying school with CFI . They were bought out by Conway . Are you ready to wait 5 weeks without pay for a truck after orientation ?
  8. photolurp2

    photolurp2 Medium Load Member

    Oct 23, 2008
    Who will hire a trainee who has been out of school for 5 months?
  9. Earl

    Earl Light Load Member

    Feb 13, 2009
    Spoke with their recruitement dept. yesturday...absolutely true..you will wait 3-4 wks for a truck...currently have 140 drivers waiting for trucks.
  10. trukngrl

    trukngrl Lollipop, lollipop...

    Mar 7, 2009
    Manchester, Ga
    if you're wanting to get in this business running right now you better head on out the door and let the truck catch up with ya...everyone is hurting right now newbies and eexperienced alike.I don't know about alot of companies that hire and train but i know every time i go into one of my terminals the room is full of hopefuls and dreamers :biggrin_25512: check out crst and see what they tell ya.pays not that great but hey its a job for now.
    As far as hiring someone with 5 months experience photolup there are companies that do but you will probably have to take a refresheer course before they let you loose.
    Hope this all helps
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