What do dump truck drivers gross during summer season?

Discussion in 'Motor Carrier Questions - The Inside Scoop' started by Zonno, Jul 21, 2024.

  1. Zonno

    Zonno Light Load Member

    Jun 11, 2018
    South Ga
    Up in the northern states like WI and rust belt, there’s plenty of jobs that start out at $25+ hourly. The problem is you get laid off during the winter months. But if you earn enough during the summer, perhaps you could goof off during the winter time if you budget properly, especially if you don’t have a family to raise like in my case. I’m also thinking I could find work driving a snow-plow for extra income, and just enjoy my time off whenever there isn’t much snow.

    In the south where I live, most dump jobs start off at $18 hourly. I wonder if the companies don’t have some type of agreement with one another to pay their employees the same low wages, as if one of them were to pay more, then the rest of them would have to in order to keep drivers from leaving. The jobs closer to big metro areas like ATL & Birmingham pay more, but then cost-of-living shoots up as well.

    I’ve been driving a dump truck primarily hauling asphalt for about 3 years, so it shouldn’t be difficult finding work if I were to move up north.
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  3. Someguywithquestions

    Someguywithquestions Light Load Member

    Jan 10, 2021
    It all depends on the company and what you're doing.

    I know up here in the northwest and around the mountains a ton of dump trucks companies slap a plow and salt shaker on their asphalt trucks and plow in the winter as a contract. It's hit or miss with hours and what not. Some companies run ice melt. Others switch to hauling rock here and there. Some have layoffs as in you aren't furloughed, you lose all healthcare, benefits, etc for 4+ months then come back in spring.

    You'd have to find out in the interviews. You make a killing in the summertime if it's a union job or in an OT state like WA or Cali but the cost of living doesn't mean you'll be rich. Most dump truck guys I've know and generally all the construction workers when I've done those construction jobs are the same old story. Living in a trailer worried about keeping the lights on and drinking like a fish while they have dumped 30k dollars into bolt on #### for their 1990s pickup truck.

    Also, up here most dump trucks are pulling a pintle pole pup trailer so you need a class A anyways. I've known of a few guys who own their own truck and run a dump trailer in the summer running rock, aggregate, and asphalt for paving and then haul logs in the winter. Assuming you have the nerve to log up in the Rockies in the winter.
  4. Pepper24

    Pepper24 Road Train Member

    Dec 3, 2010
    Enough to buy all the crank you want and pay mom and dad $300 a month rent.anything else
  5. BoostedTeg

    BoostedTeg Road Train Member

    Jun 2, 2008
    Boise ID
    Here In ID the pay ranges from 22-30 an hour. Work you like a dog in the summer months and lay you off in the winter.
    Zonno Thanks this.
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