What if it Snows?
Discussion in 'Questions From New Drivers' started by Dave_in_AZ, Mar 19, 2018.
Page 20169 of 21405
broke down plumber, kemosabi49, Feedman and 9 others Thank this.
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broke down plumber, austinmike, Oxbow and 7 others Thank this.
broke down plumber, Feedman, austinmike and 10 others Thank this.
So— Pro Tip — if any of you are Mormon Missionaries you don’t want to show up at guys house while he’s working and let his pups out who can run close to the speed of sound and cause him to run them for two (2) city blocks at less than the speed of sound that induces a couple heart attacks and multiple mini strokes and wait for him to come dragging them back to ask if he would like come to church with them— those two just got a life lesson that I bet they won’t forget anytime soon
4mer trucker, broke down plumber, kemosabi49 and 18 others Thank this. -
4mer trucker, broke down plumber, kemosabi49 and 14 others Thank this.
Feedman, austinmike, Oxbow and 7 others Thank this.
I have accomplished one(1) item. The title.
Barber shop is WTF packed. The horror is REAL.broke down plumber, Feedman, austinmike and 9 others Thank this. -
If you need a break I can sign you up for Tramm’s guaranteed weight loss program and it’s free— between the pup run’n and this I bet I lost 4 or 5 lbs in the last 2 hours
4mer trucker, broke down plumber, Feedman and 13 others Thank this. -
4mer trucker, broke down plumber, Feedman and 13 others Thank this.
We have gotten 3 of 4 items completed.
austinmike, Oxbow, High Stepper and 7 others Thank this.
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