What is FedEx Express ?

Discussion in 'FedEx' started by Hottub, Feb 15, 2012.

  1. The Big T

    The Big T Medium Load Member

    Jan 22, 2012
    New Hampshire
    Hi every one! I know this is a relatively old thread but wanted to chime in. I have an interview tomorrow with Fed Ex Express after a phone interview today for a shuttle driver position. I'm very excited as I've really wanted to become a part of the Fed Ex team.
    I've had my truck and trailer license with air breaks(CDL-A with O restriction, no fifth wheel) since I was 18 and am currently enrolled in a community college up here to upgrade my license to full tractor trailer. I'm also independently grabbing my tanker and haz mat endorsements to make myself more valuable.
    I know that this isn't the apprentice tractor trailer job I wanted with just the regular Fed Ex, but I'm hoping to land this gig because decent year round jobs are getting harder and harder to come bye. And I really don't want to stoop to the levels of going to a starter company (you know the ones), just to be treated like ###### and make poor money.
    It starts out as part time but I'm hoping that maybe with time, hard work, and being a good employee that more opportunities will become available.I sure hope so anyways.
    Well, wish me luck and any information or thoughts are welcome and appreciated.Stay safe friends!
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  3. JRut

    JRut Light Load Member

    Jul 11, 2012
    good luck! And what is the shuttle driver position I thought FedEx express didn't hire drivers off the street. I was told you have to start out as a package handler or package car and work your way up?
  4. The Big T

    The Big T Medium Load Member

    Jan 22, 2012
    New Hampshire
    From what I understood it seemed like someone who unloads the planes, then onto a "shuttle", and I would imagine to a distributing building. So, yes, there would be package handling involved but you still must pass a DOT physical. Honestly, that was another reason I posted because I was hoping to gain some more insight but I'm sure I'll get the complete "low down" tomorrow. And thank you for the good luck wishes. I will post tomorrow as more information becomes available to me.
  5. JRut

    JRut Light Load Member

    Jul 11, 2012
    Cool! The job to work up to would be an RTD. Which stands for ramp transport driver. there is a thread somewhere on here about it but those guys have a great job it seems. Pretty easy too.
  6. The Big T

    The Big T Medium Load Member

    Jan 22, 2012
    New Hampshire
    Hey, thanks JRut for the info! At this point I'd drive a golf cart across an icy runway half naked just to get my foot in the door.Lol!
  7. The Big T

    The Big T Medium Load Member

    Jan 22, 2012
    New Hampshire
    So I had the interview today, which was very extensive in length. Many questions about "what would you do and what have you done" in this situation circumstances. Over an hour in length then a tour of the ware house. Mine was an entry level position, but from what I gather this is where everyone coming into the company has to start. Mostly package handling and some small trip driving (airport for pick ups and back to the distribution center). But this is how it begins from couriers to RTD's. You must work your way up.
    I was one of 5 candidates and really hope I'll have the chance to get in. Tried to answer as honestly and proactively as possible.I guess we'll see in the next business day or two.
    Hope I land it.
  8. JRut

    JRut Light Load Member

    Jul 11, 2012
    Great! Yeah I hate those behavioral type interviews that's how mine was for my current job. but congrats on the interview sounds like you did a good job and I hope you get it too. that's the thing I don't like about FedEx express having to start at the very bottom and work your way up, but I guess that can be a good thing for their current employees with no CDL looking to get one and land a better job in the future. I wonder how long it would take to become an RTD? I know they post the opening and you have to bid on it, and i'm sure someone with a CDL already would have a much better chance of getting it than someone without. Just wonder how long it takes..or atleast how long it takes to land a full time position with them. That's something I might look into since i'm still pretty young id probably be willing to put some time in if I knew I had a good chance at becoming anRTD. congrats again!
    The Big T Thanks this.
  9. The Big T

    The Big T Medium Load Member

    Jan 22, 2012
    New Hampshire
    Thanks again JRut. I expressed my interest in the RTD job but didn't get very much input on the issue. Just a couple of nods of approval I guess you could say. I really just wanted them to know I was willing to do what ever it took and looked toward the future if an opportunity as such became available. The next period of time is always the worst though. Sitting and waiting in nervous anticipation for either the yes, or the dreaded no phone call.:biggrin_25524: I guess either way, the world will turn.Lol. Stay safe.
  10. JRut

    JRut Light Load Member

    Jul 11, 2012
    Heard anything back yet?
  11. The Big T

    The Big T Medium Load Member

    Jan 22, 2012
    New Hampshire
    Yeah man! I was the chosen 1. Physical and drug test tomorrow or Tues. I'll find out in the morning. Super stoked up. Got the call Friday night. It's gonna take some time but friggin pumped to get my foot in the door. The future starts now. Thanks for checkin' up brother.
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