what to expect from crst.

Discussion in 'CRST' started by nosleep4bishop, Aug 3, 2016.

  1. nosleep4bishop

    nosleep4bishop Light Load Member

    Aug 3, 2016
    So i am currently enrolled at continental trucking school in oak cliff which is a sub city of dallas, texas. Its my first week and i havent really learned anything yet because i came into school with my permit already. I am however not really worried about trucking school but more so with my obligated contract to crst.
    Now ive read tons of bad reviews on this company and am well aware of what a few bad apples have had to say, but im looking for some real and true insight to this company before i finish my first week.
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  3. G13Tomcat

    G13Tomcat Road Train Member

    Jun 7, 2011
    a. Check out @alghazi 's threads..... he drives for them still, I think. He seems like an upstanding guy, with a lot of meaningful posts on this forum.
    b. From what I understand, It's gonna be teaming for awhile. I did teams when I worked FedEx LIne Haul 15 years ago; it's do-able. . . wheels are turning, money is being made.
    c. Yep, I also hear they are pretty strict whith their contract, and No-Compete clause.
    d. The CRST drivers I see occasionally on the road, while fueling, etc.,, are some of the more cognizant and respectful to their surroundings.

    Best of luck, man.
    nosleep4bishop Thanks this.
  4. nosleep4bishop

    nosleep4bishop Light Load Member

    Aug 3, 2016
    Thanks bud i really appreciate your response. I hope to hear some meaningful insight back from him on this company. I knew crst was team driving company from the get go and i already have a partner in place after im done with school.
    Yes, crst does have a pretty tight contract from what I've heard from my recruiter. I read one of the stipulations in my current contract is if i am to break my binding agreement with them before my 10months is up, thats a heavy stipend of $1500 bucks added to the loan in which i would have to repay, so that told me they mean business lol.
    But i guess what im truly wanting to know is what crst really like ya know? A real unbiased opinion that i can understand.
    G13Tomcat Thanks this.
  5. G13Tomcat

    G13Tomcat Road Train Member

    Jun 7, 2011
    You are welcome, man. Hopefully you WILL hear some stuff back here soon, or Alghazi will stop by. He's the go-to CRST guy; I'm sure there are many others, but not coming to mind right now. Wish I had more for you, as it comes to mind I will reply. I read on 'another' forum that my wife follows, that they can hold your 160 hour certificate if you don't follow thru with their contract, but again.... could all be heresay. Do your due diligence / research to be on the safe side. Check out that other place; just google it. We are not supposed to cross-ref forums here, and as I said, it's my wife that finds that place 'happy' because she doesn't yet have her CDL-A ; just her B. She has permit for the A, and wants me to team.... hahahaha.... I love her, but somebody's gotta take care of the teenagers at home! LoL.
    Good luck, best wishes, be safe!
    nosleep4bishop Thanks this.
  6. nosleep4bishop

    nosleep4bishop Light Load Member

    Aug 3, 2016
    Lmao. Man you literally made chuckle. Not easy to do either. But yes she's absolutely right when she told you that they do hold your certificate. You dont get it till that recruiter emails them with the completion of the 10 month contract.
    Well enjoy your evening bud. Im off to study tankers and hazmat.
    G13Tomcat Thanks this.
  7. G13Tomcat

    G13Tomcat Road Train Member

    Jun 7, 2011
    Quick question. . . while I'm still on here before I head out to work, as are you; what narrowed you down to CRST? What state are you in? Just wondering if @Chinatown couldn't be of help here. You are well-versed and sound sincere; we get many one-hit-wonders that stop by to complain, or ask a question, and NEVER return for the answers we so diligently return.
    Knowing where you live / TEXAS? etc etc etc... the more shared the better we can help. This is a great site, man. Keep doing research and hoping someone else will stop by.
    There are many of us that drive for 'smaller' companies, yet not necessarily 'mom n pop' shops, and do good just that way. I put almost 20 years in before I landed my 'local' gig, and sometimes that's the way it goes. I've never driven for Swift or SNI, but nothing against them, whatsoever. SNI wouldn't take me years back because of a seat-belt ticket, LoL!
    I've moved onward and upward to tanks; yet sometimes I miss the OTR days. . . for the escape!
    nosleep4bishop Thanks this.
  8. G13Tomcat

    G13Tomcat Road Train Member

    Jun 7, 2011
    ^^^^ Yes, definitely get those endorsements; I've got em all. I'm glad I'm good for a chuckle, Lol~ I'm off to work in 20 ~ Be safe and I'll help how I can. Stop back soon and best wishes.
    nosleep4bishop Thanks this.
  9. Chinatown

    Chinatown Road Train Member

    Aug 28, 2011
    Henderson, NV & Orient
    nosleep4bishop Thanks this.
  10. nosleep4bishop

    nosleep4bishop Light Load Member

    Aug 3, 2016
    I am actually going to their training school in dallas, texas. Its cool so far l, i came in with my permit and long form for DOT so i was already somewhat prepared.
    I chose crst honestly because i wasnt recieving any other call backs from companies, plus i honestly knew after researching for a year, what i would be dealing with as far as inexperience goes. I knew crst was team and had heard that they were ####ty but one of the most reasonable stepping stones around.
  11. nosleep4bishop

    nosleep4bishop Light Load Member

    Aug 3, 2016
    Thanks for tagging him. I have a #### of ton of questions and really dont want to have to rely off of the recruiters.
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