what to expect from crst.

Discussion in 'CRST' started by nosleep4bishop, Aug 3, 2016.

  1. nosleep4bishop

    nosleep4bishop Light Load Member

    Aug 3, 2016
    Thanks man and please excuse my ignorance lol. Im just trying to get my head straight through all of this. Stay safe and shake that freight.
    G13Tomcat Thanks this.
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  3. G13Tomcat

    G13Tomcat Road Train Member

    Jun 7, 2011
    ^^^ It's not ignorance, bro. . . the fear of the unknown gets us all, no matter how big we 'think' we are, or what #'s the scale shows! T/T's and at home!
    Wishing you the best;
  4. alghazi

    alghazi Road Train Member

    Aug 29, 2014
    Is there an alternative way to verify your employment--such as the compliance person contacting your prior employers?
  5. nosleep4bishop

    nosleep4bishop Light Load Member

    Aug 3, 2016
    I called my recruiter, and although she didnt answer i was abkento reach another gentleman who was very open with me about my situation. He informed me that crst does not turn candidates away in my particular case, so all i have to do is call my former employers from the past and have them either email my verification or get a written letter. Which i dont mind doing at all. I just wished that my recruiter had of told me this when i spoke to her before enrolling. But its no biggie honestly, it just shows me that the cycle of unecessary ######## is about to start lol. So I'll do what i can because i have two weeks left of training and my focus is to learn the double clutch right now. Its my reaponsibility because im the one that wants this, not them. So no real need to point any fingers. But if im not able to obtain the prooer documents in which crst asks for, cant they just make a verifications call on my behalf?
  6. alghazi

    alghazi Road Train Member

    Aug 29, 2014
    There's no rule that says they need tax forms. If they can verify with previous employers over the phone you should be good to go.

    Btw, double clutching is for losers. Lol
  7. redoctober83

    redoctober83 Road Train Member

    Sep 10, 2013
    Seattle, wa
    Get that in writing from them about your dui not being an issue. My orientation class started with 48 people in okc, by the end of the week, we were down to 12. One guy had a 10 year old misdeminer counterfit charge and his recruiter told him that was ok and when he got there to OKC they bounced him and claimed he never put that on his application and his recruiter stated he never sain anything about that. So the games they can play and have played just to fill seats before they actually run any background. Just be careful and have a back up plan in case you get bounced once you get to OKC.
  8. nosleep4bishop

    nosleep4bishop Light Load Member

    Aug 3, 2016
    Thanks. Ive looked into several other companies as a back up, but not really sure which one to go with in case my future doesn't work out with crst. The only thing is finding a company with tuition reimbursement and that offers training. Im not that eager to sit behind the wheel of a 80k death machine fresh out of school with no real experience. I value others lives on the road too.
    I see so many companies get bad raps and at the same time i know it doesnt always be the company sometimes, but the person themselves.
    Any information that you might wanna share with me woukd be graciously accepted.
    I highly doubt that my recruiter would place something like that in writing because then that would obligate crst to give me a job despite my background. Besides she already told me that she pulled it and had it sitting in front of her and that she would email me a copy but unfortunately that email never came.
  9. nosleep4bishop

    nosleep4bishop Light Load Member

    Aug 3, 2016
    Im a floater lol. I only use that #### thing when i take off from 1st or 2nd, but having to learn it to the adams family beat doesnt help at all im black and have zero rhythm lol. I just need to learn so i can pass here at the DPS.
    G13Tomcat Thanks this.
  10. alghazi

    alghazi Road Train Member

    Aug 29, 2014
    CRST will tell you (in written materials) that you are required to double clutch on the road test. You are not.

    My students tell me that the road test in OKC is less than a mile long and they were not required to double clutch. I did mine in Cedar Rapids and no one double clutched.

    Hopefully your test at DPS will be the last time you have to use the clutch except to start or stop the truck.
    nosleep4bishop Thanks this.
  11. nosleep4bishop

    nosleep4bishop Light Load Member

    Aug 3, 2016
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